Mama Milady update: she is still holding the kits hostage while they continue to grow and prepare to come earth side. We are so happy that these babies will be born in a safe environment rather than outside in the elements.
Here’s a little update on our soon to be mama, Milady! 🐱 She is getting closer and closer to bringing her kits into the world and we have had a volunteer even start a name idea list for her. Her belly is getting wider and her kits are growing. We can’t wait to show you what a good mama she will be!
Milady is one of our newest residents at OCAF and she is currently expecting a litter of kits! 😻 Stay tuned on our page for Milady updates to see her motherhood journey before she gets spayed in a few months.
See kits moving in utero!! Milady first pregnant mama2025 #oceanacountyanimalfriends #rescuedismyfavoritebreed
Nessie update. Gained 2 pounds and got her stitches out!!
Oh Justin, this video describes your life perfectly. For those who are curious about our sweet boy Justin who has had quite the adventure on his short time earth side, he had to go to the vet yet again this week and undergo an enema for his hard time pooping. This sweet boy will most likely spend his entire 9 lives taking Miralax.
Nessie is officially back at the shelter and we are over halfway to our goal of $1500 to pay for her surgery! Venmo @OCAFrescue or you can donate right on Facebook with our Donate Now button.
Update on our sad little kitten, Puzzle 🧩 Puzzle had his first hard poop last Friday and is gaining strength every day! #adoptdontshop #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #oceanacountyanimalfriends
Poor sweet Nessie!
Nessie was found last week wandering alone missing her foot. She has been struggling for many weeks but is safe now! Surgery is today 1-29 Cost—1500. Please help us save Nessie.