More progress with the vacuum cleaner! Before videos are where we started compared to now just over a week into his training. He is still a bit stressed when it’s on and unsure on what he should do with himself but he is doing very well at making the choice to observe and not attack it.
Play train with Burnley!
A glimpse of his bed stay session. He will have little ones in the house so it’s important that he can remain in his bed while objects/toys and people are moving around. I like to practice outside first and reinforce the behavior I want through play before I do this in the home in a much smaller environment.
You can’t ❤️ love ❤️ your dog out of bad behavior and a “tired dog is a good dog” is not accurate. Here are a few things you can do to help improve your dogs behavior and overall wellness . 1) Stop giving them free access to everything and everyone, especially if they are a behavioral dog. Your dog doesn’t need more freedom it needs more structure, boundaries, accountability and clear communication. 2) Exercise alone won’t “fix” your behavioral dog. Although proper mental and physical stimulation play an important role in both their quality of life and your relationship it is not a fix all. 3) Dogs are opportunistic. Meaning they will seek out what’s easy and comfortable for their survival. Ever wonder why they act one way with one handler and another with the other owner?? They are smart and just like children they know who will hold them accountable and who won’t. 5) The term “dog training” is misused. Training isn’t a 5 minute session with your dog, it’s how you live with them. You are constantly communicating with them on how you want to live with them whether you realize it or not. If you are struggling and not progressing then most likely your dog needs more clarity around what’s trying to be taught.If your dog is struggling with behavior issues then there is a disconnect in one or typically all of these areas. Remember boundaries without relationship breeds defiance.
My day to day life really isn’t that glamorous. 🤣 A lot of times it looks like this, holding onto a vacuum cleaner all day. In this case it’s not even switched on cleaning. Burnley has a very reactive relationship with the vacuum. Even bringing it out he is over threshold and won’t accept treats. So we started with the vacuum just being out and present in the room. I can now grab the vacuum without a reaction although I ask for him to not crowd me. We are up to slow movements of the vacuum with it still being off. Over time I will continue to ask for him to still respect my space and eventually turn it on (with no movement) and again progress from there. He is clearly stressed out and that’s ok, he is learning to deal with it without attacking the vacuum. As his tolerance continues to increase I will offer treats but for now me moving away and decreasing pressure from the vacuum is his reward.
Getting all the reps in and lots of exposure sessions around his triggers. I am not expecting perfection especially being less than a week into training BUT I do my best to set up scenarios where he is more successful than not. Failure is expected and failure is where he learns to recover and try again in a healthier way.
Club day
Club training day was fun! Burnley was brave and met lots of new people and got all the treats.
Consistency over perfection
How it started vs. how it’s going. 🫶🏼🖤
Sophie girl is headed home after her 3 week private training. She not only has a fantastic obedience foundation as a 4 month old puppy but she has the skills to now fall back on as she goes through future developmental milestones. Commands she is going home with:
Load up
Go potty
On top of her obedience she has gone through significant confidence building activities and environmental exposures. She is also now completely potty and crate trained which was a huge milestone for her. Upon arrival she would poo and pee in her crate/bed frequently and even potty right next to you while inside the home. I look forward to seeing Sophie grow up and her continued progress as she returns home with a new set of skills and tools. Remember training is on going, it does not simply end one day. How you live with, your boundaries and what you simply tolerate is all communication for your dog on how to behave with you. It’s a relationship that must be built and reinforced. 💢 I do offer “refresher courses” for previous clients at a discounted rate. This is great especially as these young puppies age and become boundary pushing teenagers. 🤪💢
As I look back on this year I am very thankful to all of you. This was a big year as I took my long lived passion and turned it into a business. All this was possible with your support and encouragement.
I have held the hands of owners and cried with them as they work through tough decisions, I have embraced owners and cried happy tears with them when their dogs overcome long lived behavioral issues and I have cheered for every single one of you as you confidently step forward with new tools and wisdom and take the role as trainer in your own homes.
I am a huge believer we all do our best with what knowledge we have and I have learned just as much from all of my clients as you have learned from me. 🥰
It’s been busy from the start with countless house calls for anything from dogs being considered too reactive/aggressive or dogs with such extreme anxiety/fear they weren’t able to leave their home to be trained without putting handlers or others at risk.
I appreciate your faith in me to enter your and your dogs lives and to help where I can. I look forward to 2025 and all it has to offer.
Outside of obedience, puppy foundations and sport work … I also do behavioral modification with reactive/aggressive dogs. I have 20 years of experience with pitbulls/dobermans and other working breeds.