Has your dog had a recent surgery or injury to his/her hind leg, thigh or hip and you have to rely on the cone while the wound heals? We have designed the best alternative to protect the area while your pet recovers in comfort. Perfect for dogs that have:
Just had knee or hip surgery
Just had a tumor removed
A skin infliction that needs to be covered
MESSING WITH HIS WOUND OR INCISION? Our soft dog suit prevents your dog from licking a wound, hot spot, incision or itchy skin allergy on his torso or hind legs. You no longer need to use the uncomfortable, miserable dog cones after surgery. Our suit is a great protector for dogs who have just had TPLO or hip surgery so that they don't mess with the incision on their knee or hip. ADJUSTABLE - OUR SUIT STAYS PUT The adjustable hook and loop straps at the neck and torso allow you to adjust the suit to fit your dog. The hind legs are protected with breathable polyester dog sleeves so that wounds can heal, but your dog can't get to them. YOUR DOG CAN HAVE COMPLETE MOBILITY TO DO ALL THE THINGS HE NORMALLY DOES He can eat, sleep, walk and potty, without having to remove the suit or adjust it in any way.
GET PEACE OF MIND Are you tired of watching your dog 24/7 to make sure he isn't licking or chewing his wound or incision? You can leave your pet alone and when you return, the suit will still be in the same position you left him and the wound will still be protected.