Medina Kennel Club

Medina Kennel Club "Changing the World, One Dog at a Time"
We are a recognized member club of the American Kennel Club &

The Medina Kennel Club was founded in 1967 as a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement and welfare of purebred dogs. We are a recognized member club of the American Kennel Club. We welcome all dogs purebred and mixed to our club training and events. You do not have to be a member of Medina Kennel club to participate in our classes or events

Link to our online calendar:

What a weekend!!!  I think we experienced all 4 seasons in 2 days!! Well... except for that white stuff... but we got 4 ...

What a weekend!!! I think we experienced all 4 seasons in 2 days!! Well... except for that white stuff... but we got 4 Fast Cats Tests done in record time! THANK YOU to all who participated, volunteered, watched, helped, and had fun!!!

As always, these events could not happen without the dedication of our Committed Fast Cats volunteers - you know who you are!! If you would like to be part of this elite group, please reach out and we will let you know how you can help!!! We are always looking for volunteers - especially when there are other events going on, and our regulars are competing elsewhere!

I am trying something different - I created a 2024 August Fast Cats Photo Album for the random pics on our home page - but will post a few here. There aren't as many as our roaming photographer was in Ravenna doing Scent Work on Saturday, but Lauren from MLBaer Photography took some awesome shots both days - please order your gallery's so they keep coming back!!!

I apologize in advance if we missed your title, or if I misspelled your name or your dogs name.

Lets Congratulate our Title Earners!!!

Pam Smith ~ Glimmer ~ FCAT5
Dave & Christi Thorley ~ Winston ~ FCAT2
Stephanie Isom ~ Barlow ~ FCAT
Tonia Hogan ~ Gabe ~ FCAT
Deborah Davis ~ Kodi ~ FCAT
Kelly Dannolfo ~ Lucy ~ DCAT
Mary Loo Markowaski ~ Noah ~ DCAT
Amy Miller ~ Presto ~ DCAT
Hilarie Chambers ~ Teddy ~ DCAT
Andrew Stocks ~ Orion ~ DCAT
Denise Soulsby ~ Kik ~ DCAT
Lee Ann Bristow ~ Grace ~ DCAT
Tom & Joan Atkian ~ Rosie ~ DCAT
Diane Hach ~ Kimber ~ BCAT
Aimee Gintz ~ Monty ~ BCAT
Hugh & Emily Moore ~ Dolly ~ BCAT
Lori Schneider ~ Kismet ~ BCAT
Brian Barnes ~ Lovey ~ BCAT
Michele Minoch ~ Lola ~ BCAT
Tynya Williams ~ Harper ~ BCAT
Sara Beis & Ron Smetana ~ Emerson ~ BCAT
Alexis Wilson-Glenn ~ Jason ~ BCAT
Christine Nickerson ~ Barney ~ BCAT
Christine Nickerson ~ Tiki ~ BCAT
Lori Schneider ~ Gypsy ~ BCAT
Isabelle Bialed ~ Yumi Yuko ~ BCAT

Found around 4:30pm yesterday (Sat)  between the mower garage and the road, along our north driveway that leads back to ...

Found around 4:30pm yesterday (Sat) between the mower garage and the road, along our north driveway that leads back to the field. Someone is definitely missing this! West-Holmes


The yearly Medina kennel club picnic is this coming Sunday 21 July beginning at 1:00 p.m. Emails have been sent out with the phone number of the individual organizing this event - If you plan to attend and have NOT also responded to that email please do so Today so we can project how much food to buy. Thanks - I hope to see you there.

John Sherman


Good luck to all competing at Rally and Obedience Nationals this week! Please post comments with pictures !!!


So after talking with President John Sommerfelt today, we have decided to offer a CGC/CGCA class then a Star Puppy Class. Both would be on Monday nights. Would anyone be interested in the class if we were to have CGC/CGCA from 4:30 - 5:30 and Star Puppy 6:30 - 7:30?

Both of these classes are often requested. We need feedback and will need some helpers to make this work.

Your thoughts are welcome!

For those interested in the Celebration of Life for Sharon Porter

For those interested in the Celebration of Life for Sharon Porter

Update: Hoopla has been found safe and is with Mark & Tricia!!!!Please be on the lookout- any of us who do agility know ...

Update: Hoopla has been found safe and is with Mark & Tricia!!!!

Please be on the lookout- any of us who do agility know Mark Solinger and Hoopla...

Found at MKC after Testing Day on Saturday.  If yours, please make arrangements for pick up

Found at MKC after Testing Day on Saturday. If yours, please make arrangements for pick up

Our June Fast Cats is in the books! Thank you to Mother Nature for giving us a picture perfect weekend (although a littl...

Our June Fast Cats is in the books! Thank you to Mother Nature for giving us a picture perfect weekend (although a little windy)- especially after the rain last month!!

We could not do these events without all of our volunteers! If you see them outside of the field, please take a moment to say THANK YOU for helping us! Want to join in the fun? Ask any member how you can join!!

All of these positions are run by volunteers:

Trial Secretary 😍
Registration Table
Timing Table
Paddock Masters
Lure Operators
Grounds Crew

MLBaer Photography - Lauren - for taking awesome shots and helping to catch some dogs!

Exhibitors - THANK YOU for coming out - even though there was Agility, Conformation, Fetch, CGC and other testing the same weekend, you chose MKC to spend your weekend at! (Although some did go to multiple venues...)

Here is a list of title earners - I will apologize in advance for any misspellings - some people did not print clearly!!

C Kay Miller ~ Fyn ~ FCAT18
Ron Michalec ~ Finn ~ FCAT4
Elaine Mayowski ~ Tirzah ~ FCAT4
Dane Cummings ~ Amp ~ FCAT3
Debbie Brake ~ Ozzie ~ FCAT2
Sandy Bican ~ Cali ~ FCAT2
Fran Nisitka ~ Max ~ FCAT
Fran Nisitka ~ Juliet ~ FCAT
Diane Schilling ~ Archie ~ FCAT
Tina Steele ~ Maggie ~ FCAT
Christina Schriber ~ Franklin ~ FCAT
Michele Metro ~ Bruno ~ FCAT
Judy Jackwood ~ Kizzy ~ DCAT
Rachael Jerman ~ Oliver Fawn ~ DCAT
Megan Grabe ~ Penny ~ DCAT
Ruth Drew ~ Henry ~ DCAT
Wayne Wagner ~ Torque ~ DCAT
Shannon Gorgan ~ Jasper ~ DCAT
Dayton Cummings ~ Kevin ~ DCAT
Katie Reichert ~ Killian ~ DCAT
Janet Ward ~ Spencer ~ BCAT
Michelle Horndor ~ Rustle ~ BCAT
Jackie Petemore ~ Bullet ~ BCAT
Kenian Edwards ~ Cricket ~ BCAT
Dolores & Jonathan McCormick ~ Lexi ~ BCAT
Amy Miller ~ Bean ~ BCAT
Sandra Novicky ~ Styx ~ BCAT
Tom & Joan Atkian ~ Rosie ~ BCAT
Denise Sovlsby ~ Kiki ~ BCAT
Stephanie Ilavsky ~ Henry ~ BCAT

And now for everybody's favorite: Holly and Teresa's Random Pics!!

Will do recap later.. but for now.. these items were left at our Fast Cats event this weekend... please let us know if t...

Will do recap later.. but for now.. these items were left at our Fast Cats event this weekend... please let us know if they are yours, and make arrangements to pick them up.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to family and friends on the passing  of Sharon Porter.  She was a friend to many of us,...

Our thoughts and prayers go out to family and friends on the passing of Sharon Porter. She was a friend to many of us, and she will be missed.


Please check out the Past Events page for the Obedience and CATS Wrap ups and random pics!!


The Medina kennel club is no longer offering a Glassford scholarship. If you are a past winner of this award and have not claimed your scholarship, please contact the Medina Kennel club at [email protected] before December 31,2024. All scholarship award disbursements and obligations will end effective 12/31/2024.

Well.. our 1st Fast Cats is in the books!  We had a record number of attendees for our Fun Runs Friday evening, with ove...

Well.. our 1st Fast Cats is in the books! We had a record number of attendees for our Fun Runs Friday evening, with over 100 runs!!!

Saturday... well..... what can we say. Mother Nature could not stop MKC friends from coming out!! Even with a 1 hour rain delay, we caught up, and ended up on time. We feel bad some left, but we understand. We only had 1 vehicle get stuck, and someone was nice enough to pull them out. The field is still muddy, so if you are coming out to CATS next weekend, please be careful.

Sunday was a picture perfect day!

HUGE THANK YOU to all of our volunteers at all stations, and to all exhibitors for being patient during the delays, helping out, and bringing donuts!!! MKC and GSDNEO appreciated it!!

Please out Mark Baer's site to look at pictures that Lauren took at MLBaer Photography

Here are the titles that were captured - please excuse any mis-spellings.

Rebecca McMillon ~ Maverick ~ FCAT2
Marilynn Willkim ~ Goose ~ FCAT
Jennfer Avolio ~ Oliver ~ FCAT
Robin Rees ~ Axl ~ FCAT
Connie Hofer ~ Rikki ~ FCAT
Jim Read ~ Ares ~ FCAT
Kayla Olson ~ Avery ~ DCAT
Heather Chambers ~ Barley ~ DCAT
Samantha Budilowsky ~ Kiwi ~ DCAT
Lee Sutherland ~ Rowan ~ BCAT?
Marina Kazantseva ~ Amina ~ BCAT
Caroline Patron ~ Yogi ~ BCAT
Caroline Patron ~ Eleven ~ BCAT
Cess Rocher ~ Sixx ~ BCAT
Wendy Wendt ~ Lyriq ~ BCAT
Wendy Wendt ~ Teagan ~ BCAT
Marie Buckingham ~ Joker ~ BCAT
Cathy Zipf ~ Spike ~ BCAT
Heather Hettick ~ Scarlett ~ BCAT
Kim Coniglio Green ~ Re*****on ~ BCAT
Barb Lefever ~ Dog.Dot ~ BCAT
Christine Bak ~ Willow ~ BCAT

and now for our infamous random pics!!


NEW DATES Are you looking for an additional place to practice your obedience training? Do you train by yourself and need more distractions and proofing? Medina Kennel Club is now available for Obedience Ring Time. Three rings available with Open and Utility equipment, courteous sharing of the rings with other training teams, dogs must be able to interact with others. No private lessons.
Obedience Ring Time
06-05-24 4 to 6 PM
06-21-24 10 to 12 PM
07-03-24 4 to 6 PM
08- 16-24 10 to 12 PM
Wednesday Ring Time is prior to the Run Thru. Stay for the Run Thru and test your training session.
Ring Time cost is $10.00 per person/dog. Payments for Run Thrus and Ring Time will be cash or check at that time
You don’t have to be a member to participate.
Medina Kennel Club
6840 S. Lake Road
Medina, OH. 44256
Obedience Run Thrus are the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. 1st Wednesday time is 6-8pm. 3rd. Wednesday NEW TIME will be 5-7pm. $5.00 per run
Obedience Run Thru:
06-05-24 6 to 8 PM
06-19-24 5 to 7 PM
07-03-24 6 to 8PM
07-17-24 CANCELED
07-31-24 5 to 7 PM
08-07-24 6 to 8PM
08-21-24 5 to 7PM


May Obedience Trial - Judge Change for Novice, Preferred Novice, Beginner Novice, Grad Open & Grad Novice Classes has changed to Amede DeCruydt. Tom Igiel will still judge Open and Utility (including Preferred) classes.

Don't forget CGC Class starts next week for those interested. 3 week-long class or opt to take the test only on the last...

Don't forget CGC Class starts next week for those interested. 3 week-long class or opt to take the test only on the last day. For more info contact [email protected]

AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Class. 6-week program $90.00 No puppies to attend on the first night of class. Class starts on Monday...

AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy Class. 6-week program $90.00 No puppies to attend on the first night of class. Class starts on Monday, May 20 & runs through June 24, 2024! For more information go to

3-week-long Canine Good Citizen Prep Class. $50.00 or come on the last day (May 13) and take the test for $20.00. Class ...

3-week-long Canine Good Citizen Prep Class. $50.00 or come on the last day (May 13) and take the test for $20.00. Class starts on Monday, April 29, May 6, & May 13. Contact John Sommerfelt at: [email protected] for more information or to sign up.


The next puppy 1 class at MKC begins next Monday 1 April starting at 6:30 p.m. This is a four week class , one hour each week. It is the class we suggest for young puppies who are not ready for STAR puppy. This is a very basic class with focus on socialization. The cost is $60 payable the first night of class by cash or check. Checks are to be made out to MKC or the Medina kennel clue. This will be the last Puppy 1 class until next fall. If interested contact John Sherman at:

[email protected]


NEW DATES Are you looking for an additional place to practice your obedience training? Do you train by yourself and need more distractions and proofing? Medina Kennel Club is now available for Obedience Ring Time. Three rings available with Open and Utility equipment, courteous sharing of the rings with other training teams, dogs must be able to interact with others. No private lessons.
Obedience Ring Time
03-29-24 10 to 12 PM
April :
04-03-24 4 to 6PM
05-01-24 4 to 6 PM
05-24-24 10 to 12PM

Wednesday Ring Time is prior to the Run Thru. Stay for the Run Thru and test your training session.
Ring Time cost is $10.00 per person/dog. Payments for Run Thrus and Ring Time will be cash or check at that time
You don’t have to be a member to participate.
Medina Kennel Club
6840 S. Lake Road
Medina, OH. 44256
Obedience Run Thrus are the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month. 1st Wednesday time is 6-8pm. 3rd. Wednesday NEW TIME will be 5-7pm. $5.00 per run
Obedience Run Thru:
03-20-24 5 to 7PM
04-03-24 6 to 8PM
04-17-24 5 to 7PM
05-1-24 6 to 8PM
05-15-24 5 to 7PM


Thank you all for a great weekend at our annual Barkaritaville shows!! Lots of fun was had!! We couldn't do it without all of our volunteers, judges, exhibitors, friends, and well... everyone who helps to support us!!

Super Congratulations to our new Title Earners! I apologize in advanced if I mis-spelled your name, or your dogs name - or if we missed you entirely.

Nelson Begeet ~ Gabriel ~ GCHB
Deborah Brooks ~ Venus ~ GCH
Brenda Auglabough ~ Dorothy ~ GCH
Sarah Hunsberger / Jill Miller ~ Bitsy ~ CH
Sandee Yacklin ~ Great Dane ~ CH
Michelle Wolf ~ Ryn ~ CH
Michele Lomax ~ Effie ~ CH
Lois Brown ~ Lucy ~ CH
Larry Wolfe ~ Brittney ~ CH
Kalli Holdash ~ Poppy ~ CH
Jule Sulfen ~ Kerry ~ CH
Joey Vergati ~ Livi ~ CH
George N Hart Sr ~ Nova ~ CH
Erika Stephen ~ Tamaki ~ CH
Edna Morris ~ Journey ~ CH
Cindy Yeager Echo ~ CH

Please join us next year, at the same great location of Summit County Fairgrounds, March 1-2, 2025!!


The next Puppy 1 class will begin Monday 1 APRIL at 6:30 p.m. This is a 4 week class one hour each week. It is a very basic class for young puppies. We will work on some commands but the main focus of this class is socialization through interactions with the other puppies in the class and the owners of those puppies. The cost is $60 payable the first night of class by check or cash. If interested please email John Sherman at [email protected]


A six week STAR puppy class starts tonight at 6:30 p.m. The first night of class is WITHOUT DOGS.

The next PUPPY 1 class will begin on 1 April 2024 at 6:30 p.m This will be a four week class one hour each week. For additional information visit our web page at or email John Sherman at [email protected]

Too good not to share with everyone!

Too good not to share with everyone!

Great article in the Medina Gazette about our Rally Trial!

Great article in the Medina Gazette about our Rally Trial!

Over 90 dogs participated in Medina Kennel Club's AKC rally trials on Sunday.

And that is a wrap on our 2024 Rally Luv You Trials! What a way to start our year of trials!!As always,  we can't thank ...

And that is a wrap on our 2024 Rally Luv You Trials! What a way to start our year of trials!!

As always, we can't thank our volunteers, Judges and Exhibitors enough!!

Huge THANK YOU to all who helped out, especially Alexandra Hart and Teresa West-Holmes for helping with the score sheets and computer!!

Alyssa Mack and Barband Thedogs for decorating, Gail Clements Boston, Deborah Sandoval ( AWESOME Scalloped potatoes!!!) , Debbie Gotsch , Dolores Hedges McCormick, Jonathan McCormick, Dee Kulbacki Sandy Erman Bican , Pat Rose, Sabrina Hershey, Sherie Mccormack for Stewarding, Marlene Oberst Galaszewski and Sandy Canfield (and all who brought food) on the kitchen, John Sommerfelt for trying to keep people out of the mud, our judges, Mary Cecil Mignogna and Katie Maess, and of course Jim Ungar for Trial Chair! If I forgot anyone, I do apologize - I'm still trying to catch up!!

Exhibitors - thank you once again for coming out to play with us again! It is so nice to see our friends!! We had 3 Jr Handlers that exhibited, and all 3 earned titles this weekend!!!! WOO HOO!!!!

It was a muddy, muddy mess, but we prevailed, and were able to get those stuck in the mud out without too many issues! Thank you for being patient!!!!

Congratulations on our new title earners - sorry if we missed you, or if we misspelled your name...

Handler ~ Dog ~ Title
Alex Hart ~ Aragorn ~ RACH2
Doreen Barren ~ Cassi ~ RACH
Alex Hart ~ Buttercup ~ RACH
Alex Hart ~ Thorin ~ RAE10
Rebecca McMillion ~ Gamble ~ RAE4
Teresa West-Holmes ~ Butter ~ RAE2
Rebecca McMillion ~ Maverick ~ RAE
Jeanne Fogarty ~ "X" ~ RAE
Sherie McCormack ~ Ryder ~ RM5
Holly Everhart ~ Angel ~ RM4
Sharon Porter ~ Danny Blue ~ RM4
Doreen Barren ~ Cassi ~ RM3
Megan MacIntyre ~ Melee ~ RM2
Rebecca McMillion ~ Maverick ~ RM
Barb Kaplan ~ Max ~ RE
Sandra Vellman ~ Journey ~ RE
Becky Boyle ~ Peach ~ RE
Donna Vickers ~ Remy ~ RE
Janet Cannon ~ Sam Colton ~ RE
Caryl Baxter ~ Kabuki ~ RE
Keegan Linden (Jr Handler) ~ Indy ~ RE
Linda Lombardi ~ Maddie ~ RE
Linda Lombardi ~ Chester ~ RE
Brooklyn Canfield ~ Soarin ~ RE
Jennifer Moore Baker ~ Magic ~ RA
Caroline Sabo-Shaffer ~ Astro ~ RA
Jim Ungar ~ Goose ~ RA
Jennifer Lottes ~ Roland ~ RI
Joyce Norton ~ Smokey ~ RI
Nicki Gear ~ Brizo ~ RI
Jaimie Caltridge ~ Kane ~ RI
Lyn Burgess ~ Rudy ~ RI
Barb Lunden ~ Remy ~ RN
Ellijah Willis (Jr Handler) ~ Hershey ~ RN
Linda Heidenreich ~ Granger ~ RN
Sabrina Hershey ~ Sulley ~ RN
Jessica Figinsky ~ Vader ~ RN
Sarah Hagan (Jr Handler) ~ Otis ~ RN
Glenda Russell ~ Winnie ~ RN

Please enjoy these random photos - its always a surprise to see what photos Alyssa Mack took with my phone!!!

We hope to see you at our RockTober Rally Trial
October 19 & 20 with Judges Fred Burhoff & Joni Monnich (Pending AKC Approval) where we will be Rockin' Around with Teams and Pairs!!


6840 Lake Road
Medina, OH


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Contact The Business

Send a message to Medina Kennel Club:




Our Story

The Medina Kennel Club was founded in 1967 as a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement and welfare of purebred dogs. We are a recognized member club of the American Kennel Club. We welcome all dog enthusiasts (purebred or mixed breeds) to join our club. Medina Kennel Club is devoted to changing the world, one dog at a time. All our classes are open to all dogs, whether purebred or mixed or whether you are a member or not

Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month (except for August and December) at 7:00 p.m. at our Training Center (6840 Lake Road, Medina, Ohio 44256). Both members and non-members are invited to attend! For further information, please call 330-662-4004 and leave a message or email [email protected].

The Medina Kennel Club is proud to materially and/or financially support the following organizations or events:

* Rescued dogs (with proof) receive a $10 discount on any 6 week class. * Medina County Sheriff's Department K9 Units * Medina County 4-H dog program * Medina County Animal Shelter * The Franklin Sylvester Library in Medina has been given a number of magazines, books and videos pertaining to dogs, all of which are for public use. * 4-H and Medina County Career Center members receive free beginning obedience and handling run thrus.