First, thanks to everyone that stepped up to make our hunt test successful. The weather certainly helped to make it memorable starting with full on summer swelter to welcoming cool fall air on Sunday.
The judges were so complimentary. They loved our team work and how organized each stake ran. When judges make comments like this that is a credit to all! Congrats everyone!
Over 100 dogs ran over the weekend and we had several members running dogs. Below is a list of club member's success. Congratulations to all.
1st Place: Justin Smith and Millican
Reserve Jam: Karen de Cordova and Friday
Karen de Cordova and Friday
Gary Melrose and Merlin
Espanta Steppe and Lucy
Cris Rangel and Zeus
Terry Boyll and Rosie
Richard Cathcart and Merlin
Jim Green and Mac
Shelly Sheaffer and Blast
Espanta Steppe and Lucy
Cris Rangel and Zeus
Terry Boyll and Rosie
Richard Cathcart and Merlin
Shelly Sheaffer and Blast