I'm here to introduce myself. My name is , and I'm going to tell you a little about my life.
I have been sick for as long as I can remember. I have been in this world for approximately three and a half months, and everything and more has happened to me.
They told me that, first, I was full of parasites, then I got something called Parvovirus. It was challenging for me to get rid of it, and I had not finished with that when another disease, called Distemper, fell on me and really knocked me to the ground. They told me it was one of the worst things that could have happened to me.
I fought like a Viking, and I'm still here, but I still suffer with some consequences of my illness.
Just after my recovery, I got terrible pneumonia and still haven't managed to beat it. Additionally, a few weeks ago, I got fungus in one ear, and it has spread everywhere.
The doctors say that probably because of so many medications they had to administer, my front legs became twisted, and a few days ago, I stopped moving my back legs. But they immediately stopped all the medications, and thank God I am back to normal.
Now, they found that I have a defect in my abdominal wall, and they will have to perform surgery as soon as my little body can withstand it.
Territorio de Zaguates rescued me, and they are doing everything possible to see if I can continue alive and well.
If you want to support me with my treatments and next operation, please donate what you can here: https://bit.ly/3QQ3pRF
My Territorian friends and I will forever thank you! ❤️