Paris is finally showing us his real personality!!!! Our volunteers’ gentleness and patience during Paris’ socialization training is paying off!
If you would like to be a socialization volunteer at Mewtopia Cat Rescue (1010 S. Yates, Memphis TN), reply to this post, or message / email us along with the keyword SOCIALIZE. Visit for more info. We’ll be training small groups starting Sat, January 25th! (You must be over 18 or bring an adult.)
The best sound on earth: a purring cat 🐈⬛
Hayes purrs to tell you he’s happy! He likes to sit with you and be petted. He’s a pretty chill guy! Hayes is about 10 years old, is declawed on his front paws, and came to stay with us at Mewtopia because his human sister was allergic. He must be on a strict diet of only urinary formula cat food. We have no doubt he will make someone very happy once they take him into their home!
“Love and a Cat” quilt raffle drawing
There's nothing better than cat headbumps! Chile and Scarlett are BFFs <3
Chile (tabby) and Scarlett (tortie) are so cuuuute together!!! Scarlett came to Mewtopia as a kitten but never got adopted because she was so timid and scared. Last year, Chile moved into the same room as Scarlett, and she has brought Scarlett out of her shell!!! Chile is friendly and affectionate, and purrs loudly (in case you can’t hear it in the video 💕) and Scarlett wants to be just like her!
These lovely gals are young cats (Scarlett just turned 3, and Chile is 2.5 years old) and we know they would make WONDERFUL companions for someone… is it YOU? 🥰
Scarlett and Chile would love if you’d visit and spend quiet time with them. Mewtopia is open Tu-Th-Sa 12-2pm or by appointment.