Introducing our Under-Secretary General of Fundraising and External Affairs, Diana Lua!
Major: Political Science, Sociology minor
Year: Sophomore
Why did you join Bobcat Model United Nations?
D: I joined BobcatMUN because I wanted to be up to date on international-affairs, as a political science major, and wanted to strengthen my speech and debate skills. I was always shy when it came to public speaking, and wanted to practice and work on it more. Through this club, I was able to find a comfortable environment to start and learn more through welcoming members.
What do you want to tell potential members who want to join but are hesitant?
D: I was actually hesitant to join myself! I worried that I did not know much about politics to partake in debate and wasn’t sure if much help would be there, but learned otherwise. I would say, that it’s completely fine to be nervous, the club has much to offer when it comes to helping new members. It may seem rough at first, but gets really fun one you debate with our members.