Patrick Smith, Owner and Operator of PJ Horseshoeing and Farrier Service, is a AFA (American Farriers Association) Certified Journeyman Farrier with 11 years of Experience since 2004. Graduate of Wolverine Farrier School, Patrick continues to further his knowledge by completing certifications, attending clinics and competitions, working with other farriers, and expanding his extensive library. Cer
tification is not required to be a farrier, it is rather an outward expression of ones desire to become more knowledgeable and skilled in the field. The certification process consists of 3 parts, all of which must be passed to gain certification. One must complete a written exam which is over every aspect of the anatomy and lower part of the limbs of the horse. One must also complete what is called a shoe board consisting of 10-11 different shoe modifications. You start with a keg shoe and must forge certain modification that would be used for speciality cases, founder, or other hoof needs. If a shoe does not meet the AFA's high standards you must redo the modification until it is correct. The final step is a live trim/shoeing. The trim (which must be accurate and level, how well the shoe is shaped to fit the hoof, and the final application on the shoe). To become a Journeyman you must pass an additional written exam, build a straight bar shoe ti got a foot in 30minutes, and forge 4 shoes and trim and shoe a horse in 2 hours. Patrick currently services over 350-400 horses every six weeks in the Northern Lower Peninsula of Michigan. Is currently servicing minis to drafts, donkeys, trail horse to world class performance horses including Dressage, Jumping, Reiners, Pleasure horses, and more. His practice consists of mostly Hot shoeing, which provides the most accurate fit of a shoe to the horse. This method of shoeing does not hurt or hinder the horse it any way, it is just a technique used by many to make sure the shoe is shaped and fitted correctly. Patricks knowledge goes way beyond the everyday function of normal hoof care. He is trained and specialized in treating horses with white line disease, navicular, founder, and other hoof abnormalities with much success it correcting or maintain a level of comfort for the horse. He also offers hoof ressections and theraputic shoeing. His services range from applying steel or aluminum shoes, regular or epoxy pour in pads, hoof wall epoxies, borium, sliders, clips, theraputic and handmade shoes, and other speciality services. Patricks number one priority is to the horse. No foot, no horse! He makes sure the hoof is trimmed to its natural confirmation, which increases the horses longevity to stay sound and perform at its peak. A high percent of lameness issues in horses can be accredited to improper or lack of hoof care. Once improper care has been established with the hoof, it will take multiple sessions to regain that natural confirmation and balance that the horse needs. It is very important as horse owners, that you choose a farrier who is knowledgeable and ask questions if you are not sure. Remember a horse is nothing without its hooves! As a horse owner, Patrick is passionate about the well being of the animal and is dedicated to learning and constantly improving the art of horseshoeing. In his spare time (which is not much) he enjoys forging items out of horseshoes and steel. This page was created to help educate horse owners on the importance of proper hoof care and update the public about clinics and events involving the horse. This page was no way intended to influence horses owners in one way or another. It is to be used as a learning tool. Please feel free to share your success stories or ask the Farrier your hoof care questions. This is a family friendly page, so please make sure to be courteous when posting or commenting. Thank you. This page is maintained by Patrick's wife, Jennifer.