Gonna try posting this AGAIN since it cut off prematurely yesterday!! Let me know if you see the entire thing please
No idea why the video cut off like it did…. I’m sure it was operator error though😜😜. The winner of the Denver Bracelet was Gina Brack Rodriquez and the winner of the Dog Trick or Treaters was Michelle Vaughn.
Two pools filled so we’re looking for two winners!!!
This video makes me soooo sad and makes my heart break for Clarice. Last Monday she was released from strict cage rest and by Wednesday we were back to see Dr Robert because something was “janky” with her leg. She stayed overnight so they could sedate her and do X-rays and manipulate the patella when she wasn’t so tense. The MPL surgery was successful and the patella was in place but the X-ray showed fluid around the knee which could be one of two things either and infection from the pins for the patella or a torn ACL. Dr Robert really didn’t think it was infection but he “tapped” the knee and sent it for a culture. If it came back negative then we would know it was her ACL. I have never hoped for an infection harder in my life but naturally it came back negative as we thought it would!! Dr Robert has ordered the plate for the ACL surgery and once it is in ANOTHER surgery will be scheduled. We considered amputation but since Clarice is in Dr Roberts words “built wrong” because her legs just aren’t right her other knee is already at a 2/4 for her MPL so she isn’t a candidate for amputation because she is gonna need this leg when the other one needs to be repaired!! This is not the outcome we were hoping for to say the least but…..
I will let y’all know when her next surgery is.
Time to pull a winner for the Michael Kors purse!! Thanks Maggie for stopping by to pull the winner!!!
Look how great Butch is doing!! As you can see he has a lot to say!!! He is well on his way to recovery!!
Thanks Francine!!! 😫😢😫😢😫😢
This was taken and sent to me yesterday before Dr Robert left!! Look at our Butch!!! He hasn’t put the leg done since being hit by a car but is now!!!! You go boy!!
Forgot to post this yesterday but Butch’s appetite is good!!
Clarice is doing so well!!! Four days out!!!
Question—Who let the dogs out?!?!?
Answer—Me!! Just call me Who!!!
Sushi and the kids were frisky today
The morning stampede is happening!! Clean floor, sheets and pee pads plus fresh food and water!! Let the chaos begin!!