Hello Friends of the Fawns! With the deep freeze our phone has been exploding with inquiries about help for deer. While I want people to call, so we can address each case separately, and provide the information and advice needed. I want to stress that under the law we are prohibited from helping these animals, this time of year. We are seeing lots of posts of yearlings hanging close to homes and business, particularly under windows. This is because heat passes through the windows and creates a warm zone. These animals seek warmth and will hang out until the weather improves. You DO NOT need to feed them! Adult deer will lay in the snow for hours, and sometimes days, without moving, in order to save energy. They can live for long periods without food, relying on the fat layer they put on in the fall for energy. The biggest need they have is water. It is hard to eat enough snow to stay hydrated, that is why giving them dry foods, such as grains and hay can actually kill them. Without enough water to hydrate the food, they cannot process it and become impacted. This is extremely painful and can be fatal. I hope you find this information helpful.
I am attaching a snippet from the Wildlife Conservation Order, for those who have questions about why we aren't jumping at the chance to run out and help deer hit by cars, etc. It's not that we don't want to help - We simply cannot. Thank You! Stay Warm my Friends!