Fibromelanosis (FM): iQ Genetics LLC is happy to announce our new
internally-developed test that detects the FM alleles in chickens.
This new test is designed to determine the presence and number of copies of the FM allele associated with dermal
hyperpigmentation or Fibromelanosis (FM) in chickens. FM is a unique pigmentation phenotype primarily seen in the Silkie,
Svarthöna and Ayam Cemani chicken breeds where cause extensive black pigmentation of the skin and internal tissues.
This pigmentation results from an inverted duplication of genomic regions on Gallus Gallus autosome 20, leading to increased endothelin 3 (EDN3) gene expression, a key regulator of melanoblast and melanocyte proliferation.
The FM mutation is dominant, so only one copy of the FM allele is needed to express the black phenotype.
Test Price: $90.00/test
Discounted Packages
10 tests….$85.00/test
25 tests… $80.00/test
Fibromelanosis (FM) Testing of Chickens