Train or not not to Train ???? Well there is no question that the benefits of a well trained K9 companion far out way the liabilities of a k9 that lacks some of the simple skills needed to become a beloved member of our human families. Most of the skills needed really can be equated to US humans learning the language of our K9 companions. Once the skill set is learned they can be applied in many different situations making your dog a pleasure to have around every situation . Quite a number of dogs that are saved from other parts of our country and abroad come with at times behavioral issues that in most cases can be corrected or at least managed with some skills and patience. Understanding your breed is also of great importance as that mechanics of how our k9 companions learn can vary at times.
Here at www.easytraink9obedience.com once scheduled you will receive a 21 lesson plan that will go over everything from basic training, impulse control, recall, walking on and off leash and some advanced skills. lessons are available in a groups of five one hour lessons as well as single lessons for those of you that may need a touch up or have a specific behavioral issue you may want to address. Always happy to help ! 508 889 2721