The grooming kit just got a serious upgrade! Been looking at dog grooming blowers for awhile, the one I liked most was finally on sale. This thing is amazing! Angel doesn't care at all, look at all the sand and dander blowing off. I did lower the volume of the video, the box says 70db but it is loud like our leaf blower. Works great on Gator and Melody's mediumish thick hair, Angel's long very thick hair was the real test. Worked so good, it transfered all the dirt from her to me. Looking forward to spring shedding now, gonna blow it all away!
When you see dark clouds as you drive to the trail head but everyone is still game to ride. No thunder or lightning and it started dumping just as we went to mount up, lasted maybe 15 minutes. On the bright side, at least it was cool!
That feeling when you get some bodywork done to your TMJ and poll and it really hits the spot. Then we moved on to his shoulders and he did a whole body cat stretch, 1 back leg stuck out and all. Strider always feel better after a little "spa treatment".
Got a little tired from my work-cation project and forgot to post an update. Managed to remove the old fences: about 200 feet of 3 rail, some double sided, all the posts and some siding off this shed. Put in all new posts on different fence lines to make 2 jumbo size private paddocks, rehung all the gates with good latches, got the bulk of the new rails on so the paddocks can be liveable for their residents. All the rotty old wood has already been burned off, I overflowed the pit again. I've slowly been getting the rest of the boards on, the next biggest thing will be the shed siding but there's a pile of fresh boards ready to go on and give it it's facelift. It's coming along.