It’s been an interesting month with the herd. We had to split up the mares and geldings for another 8 days till everyone’s hormones calmed down a bit more. We hope this is the end of the split! #hopteamjameson #kidsrein #pattrinofarms #rescuehorse
Today we decided everyone is ready. The boys have been spending a week together and the girls have been touching noses all week. Above all horses require patience. So happy they’re finally together!! #hopteamjameson #kidsrein #pattrinofarms #rescuehorse
Rider switch!! #hopteamjameson #kidsrein #pattrinofarms #rescuehorse
Yesterday was a great day. We exercised all the boys together in the arena and switched riders several times. Jameson didn’t miss a beat (aside from the bird-size horseflies)! #hopteamjameson #kidsrein #pattrinofarms #rescuehorse
Yay!! #hopteamjameson #kidsrein #pattrinofarms #rescuehorse
Day 14 - We’re back to normal turnout and decided to give it a go after dinner. In Part 1 you can see Magic fending off Jameson protecting his girlfriend, Molly. In Part 2 which was only a short time later, things have calmed down. This is good. We’re getting closer! #hopteamjameson #kidsrein #pattrinofarms #rescuehorses
Sorry we haven’t posted for a couple of days. Temps during the day have been in the mid 90’s so we opted for reverse turnout until it cools down a bit. The boys and girls are still in separate pastures, since Molly is still in heat. Still making orca sounds when she gets near Jameson. On Monday evening, as I was doing stalls, Chance trapped Jameson in the paddock so he decided to make his own “gate” by breaking through the wood fence. No injuries and he acted like nothing happened in the moments that followed. Needless to say, Adam and I were not pleased with a fence repair at 7pm!! Cooler temps are coming so we might try full herd this weekend. Depends on Molly’s squirting. #hopteamjameson #kidsrein #pattrinofarms #herdintegration #horserescues
Things got to the point where we decided to split up the herd again. Tomorrow is another day. We’ll take it as a win for Day 10!!!
Everyone was getting along well until Chance decided to get spicy. It’s all part of the process, even though it may look scary.
First day of full herd integration. It was peaceful for about 90 minutes, including Jameson’s first roll with the herd!
Everyone is good this morning. Had to coax Jameson for 45 minutes this morning because he didn’t want to leave the herd. He didn’t know we had already put Truvy in the back pasture, and she was waiting on him. Once he seen her he got all excited and couldn’t get his halter off fast enough! #hopteamjameson #kidsrein #pattrinofarms