As we are about to start a new year, I have
some thoughts I would like to share...
Have you ever been really cold; chilled to the bone kinda cold, where it feels like you will never feel warm again? And really sad; hurting so deep, where it feels like you will never be truly happy again? Or so sick or afraid or confused?
We all start our lives with a tiny little flame of promise inside. If we are fortunate, those that raise us fan the flame and stoke the fire. As we go on through life, our experiences and the fellow travelers we meet will often affect this inner fire. Some of us were blessed with lots of opportunities to add fuel to our fire, and give off a warm, bright glow. Some of us have struggled at times to keep the fire burning, grasping for any twig at all, and stirring tired embers in hopes of bring forth a new spark. And some have reached a point where the fire is all but snuffed out.. Hard times, sadness, fear or illness, have left them unable to tend their fire and the coals are little more than ashes. They are so cold, but have no energy left to try and coax a bit of warmth and light from their pile of charred bits.
Surely this is when others need to step forward to share from their own internal light. A kind word, a smile, a hug,.....that is the gentle breeze, the breath of fresh air that encourages the tiniest remaining spark to live and grow. Empathetic listening, sharing advice, any act of assistance or support; those are the twigs/branches/logs that help revive and sustain a fire. We can all share some warmth from our fires sometimes until another's has a healthy glow again. God lights the original flame at the start , but I think he expects us to be the kindling for each other on our journey....
~ Janice Wolf ~