Bart has spent the last 30 mins and counting hunting for his dinner in the grass tonight. What did your dog do today?
#bulldozerbart #likemyownpetservicesllc #letdogsbedogs #canineenrichment
I have been telling so many of my dog clients about "find it" this week. After taking the "RoadBlocks for Success Workshop" last week and beginning training this week with Bart, I have been playing this game with almost all of my clients dogs too! Use Kibble or a tasty treat broken into small pieces, toss around the house or grass and say "find it!"
#likemyownpetservicesllc #petsitterlife #goodboy🐶 #mentalstimulationfordogs #notajobifyoudonthavetowork #dogwalker #dogsitter #dogsitterlife #petsittersofinstagram #petsittersinternational #timetopet #dogsoftimetopet #dogs #dogsofinstagram #makingfriends #lifewithdogs #🐕 #professionalpetsitter #professionaldogwalker #BulldozerBart #TipperRover #Bulliesofinstagram #tripoddogsofinstagram
I wanted to give Bart a little challenge this evening with his food, so we made a "busy box". (For anyone who doesn't know, Bart is our 11 month old bully puppy we adopted a month ago). Starting with his slow feeder bowl, his food is frozen in there, wrapped in a blanket with a few treat pieces scattered throughout (I always break my treats up. These were about blueberry size when whole, broken down into 5-6 pieces each, meaning there are only 6or so whole treats throughout this whole "box"). Then I took a few of the toys he likes and wrapped them in blankets or stuffed them with treats and rolled them up. It took him probably 10 min's with the first blanket and treat ball, then he smelled his bowl and started tearing for that. This specific bowl takes him 30-40 mins to clean out, though we have a few more intricate ones that take a little longer. I'm sure he will go back through the box when he's done to clean up the treats, but we were able to make meal time take over an hour of brain activity this evening!
#likemyownpetservicesllc #petsitterlife #goodboy🐶 #mentalstimulationfordogs #notajobifyoudonthavetowork #dogwalker #dogsitter #dogsitterlife #petsittersofinstagram #petsittersinternational #timetopet #dogsoftimetopet #dogs #dogsofinstagram #makingfriends #lifewithdogs #🐕 #professionalpetsitter #professionaldogwalker
#bullybreed #BartBADIII