Need some Monday motivation? Here’s Jake getting high-fives in his sleep!
Rude Ranch resident/CH kitty Mr. Wobbles! (He has cerebellar hypoplasia or “wobbly cat syndrome”, a painless congenital condition which affects his balance and coordination - he’s come so far since he was found as a starving kitten in the woods!). Funny story: the first time kitty caretaker Allison was at the Rescue alone at night, she thought she heard a person walking around upstairs. 🙀 So she grabbed a hammer and started slowly creeping up the stairs…
… and it was just Wobbles galumphing around, sounding exactly like a person! (Whew!)
Rude Ranch Rescue caretaker Allison checking on the FeLV room kitties - Meowster’s slightly obsessed with her new slippers!
Farm Kitty wishes you a happy Friday the 13th, and wants to see photos of your happily adopted black cats! He promises to sends good luck and love to all who watch.
(Either that or he’ll suddenly crawl through your phone screen in a week unless you pass this on, but we don’t think he’s serious about that - no more late-night showings of The Ring (2002) for you, mister!)
Rags desperately trying to get into the one “cat-free” room… (guess what would happen if we let her in?)
Fish-feeding season is back at the Rude Ranch pond! (Which means there’s even more for kitties on the BIG cat tree to see out the window…)
Indie Breaks Out!
Here’s Indie as a baby kitten more than three years ago, not long after we found him dodging cars on the highway during rush hour! He’s still probably the most playful kitty at the Sanctuary, with a special love/hate relationship for all-too-easily destroyed feather toys. (What are your pet’s favorite toys?)
For many of our cats, our no-kill sanctuary is their forever home, for as long as they need - one full of love, but also full of 30 - 50 furry interlopers. Toys help bring them joy, practice their natural instincts, and enrich their quality of life.
And during our annual membership drive, you can help provide them that playful joy for just a simple $10 donation on our GlobalGiving page:! Even better - donate now through Friday, April 8th, and Global Giving will match all gifts 50% up to $50, which means even more toys for our very good (if sometimes kind of naughty) fuzzy boys and girls.
Thanks so much from Indie, and all the other cats who have to put up with him when his favorite toys aren’t available! (Rags says ‘please, kind human, if you have anything to spare, please donate to save me from the crazy kid!’)
Cats love dripping faucets and running water. But what exactly are they doing? Here a helpful Rude Ranch Rescue resident demonstrates their drinking style in slo-mo. (Who has sink or tub-obsessed cats?)
Feeling stressed? Enjoy our virtual Cat Petting Simulator, courtesy of Wobbles, who will even let you give him belly rubs. Sound on for purrs!
Meet our newest Rude Ranch Rescue resident: sink-loving kitty guy Tutti Frutti! Unfortunately, Tutti’s backstory is a pretty sad one...
At first, as a six month old kitten just adopted from animal control, he must have thought he’d hit the jackpot, with a wonderful home where he could explore and play, and a loving person to watch tv with and snuggle up with at night.
But then everything changed. His person got sick, and started acting strangely. They went to the doctor and got lots of medicine, which made things better for a bit... but then they stopped taking them, and things got worse. A lot worse.
Long story short, Tutti was dropped off at our sanctuary. We were closed at the time, but thankfully a caretaker was there, and came to see what was going on.
Luckily, Rude Ranch’s quarantine area was empty, so we were able to give the poor terrified cat a quiet place to calm down. One quick scan of the microchip reader later, we discovered that his name was Tutti Frutti, he was 18 months old, and he was adopted from Anne Arundel County Animal Care & Control.
Normally, he would have just gone back there. But they were pretty full, and little Tutti was already extremely stressed and scared, so as a foster facility for AACACC we were happy to help out by holding him for a while.
It took a few days for Tutti to get comfortable enough to trust us - in fact, he seemed unsure that the food we kept putting down was really his to eat! But eventually he realized he was safe and could eat as much as he wanted. Now he even looks forward to his human visitors, and starts purring as soon as he sees people!
While we’ve reassured him that we’re not planning to run out of food anytime soon, he still always covers his food to save for later. First he would just pull his entire bed over to plop on the plate, but in the last few days he’s switched to pulling the stuffing out and using that instead. But the biggest mystery he’s been trying to figure out is what hap
Today’s the biggest cat holiday of them all - National Lazy Day. So let’s see your lazy kitties! (Here’s Rude Ranch resident Jojo, who’s such a dedicated napper we’ve repeatedly walked in and thought they were dead. Nope, just snoozin’)!
Of course, for cats #LazyDay is celebrated the whole year round. A toast to laziness! In a little while. After a brief nap...
This week we’re bringing you the Rude Ranch Rescue cat #Olympics - and you are the judges! Now in progress: the freestyle treat eating competition in our FeLV+ room, with contestants Ernie and Pistachio (brown tabbies), Dexter (b&w), Meowster (orange), and Cali (calico). And the winners are...