Oriole Dog Training Club is Pleased to Welcome Back
Diane Patterson
November 23-24, 2024
2024 Senior Agility World Championship, Jumping World Champion
2023, 2016 AKC Agility World Championship Team Member
2024, 2023, 2020 AKC European Open Team Member
2022 UKI US Open Games Champion
2016 Westminster Master Agility Championship, 16” Champion
2015 UKI US Open Biathlon Champion
After a successful journey as a nationally ranked archer, I hung up my bow in 2003 and picked up the sport of dog
agility, as a way to encourage confidence and overcome anxieties in a dog we rescued. My goal was to learn a little,
meet some new people, have fun, and perhaps compete. I’ve met those goals and also trained 3 more dogs for
agility, earning 20 Championship titles in AKC, USDAA, UKI and NADAC along the way. A student of the sport, I am
eager to learn various methodologies and their appropriate application. As an archer, I began studying the mindset of
winning and am now gaining a reputation as an effective sports results coach, in part, because of my personal
philosophy to “Make it happen.” I focus on building mental strength, confidence and the mindset needed to be
successful in sports and life.
Twenty years in agility, and nearly 2 dozen championships in AKC, UKI, USDAA and NADAC has given me valuable
insight to agility. I have been blessed to compete nationally and around the world and to work with some of the finest
trainers worldwide. Through all the incredible opportunities, I have understood that the one aspect of the sport that is
on me, is my mental strength, and of my connection to my canine partner. I am pleased to bring this mindset to my
training, and now, to yours.
Saturday November 23, 2024 - 8 working slots per seminar, limited auditors
8:30 am - 12:00 pm - CONNECTING TO THE NETWORK (aka your dog)
Defining what “connection” means, this workshop will consider the various types of connection needed with your dog
to create successful handling on course. If you’ve wondered where to look, what to look at, and how to use that
connection to direct your dog, let’s take a look at it! Dogs 15 months and older. Jumps, tunnels, weaves and
probably an A-frame or dog walk could be used.
Getting comfortable with an option that might not be your first choice is a GREAT choice for agility handlers. In this
workshop, we’ll look at the various ways that you can be in the right place at the right time, and using the right skill
and timing to create success. Dogs 15 months and older. Jumps, tunnels, weaves and probably an A-frame or dog
walk could be used.
Sunday November 24, 2024 - 8 working slots per seminar, limited auditors
8:30AM - 12:00PM - SIZZLING STARTLINES – FULL waitlist available
Confident runs begin with solid startlines. You want your dog to stay, but all your dog wants is ACCESS TO GO.
We’ll review your mental approach to startlines and how to support your dog so it makes the right choice, willingly.
Skills, drills, and action items for impulse control and release behaviors are included. Appropriate for all levels. This
isn't an issue for just beginners because many of us - Novice to Masters level - have startline issues! We sometimes
fail to bring enough value for staying at the startline and that can be fixed!!! Jumps and tunnels only.
1:00PM - 4:30PM - PRO DRIVING: HIT THE GAS OR PUMP THE BRAKES? - FULL waitlist available
Courses today require your dog to drive ahead independently for sends and bypassing AND to be able to hit the
brakes for directional changes and discriminations. Cues needed to accomplish these skills will be presented, as well
as foundational skills to teach them. These are skills that can be taught to dogs as young as 7 months to dogs up to
17 years old. It’s getting them to read our body language and our verbals. Jumps and tunnels only.
Cost: Oriole members $135 per session. Non-Oriole members $145 per session. Auditing is available: Oriole
members $40 per session. Non-Oriole members $45 per session.
Online registration and payment are required. Payment is due in full at the time of registration. No refunds
will be given unless there is a waiting list, or you find a replacement for your slot.
Location: Oriole Dog Training Club - 9 Azar Court, Halethorpe, MD 21227
E-mail all seminar questions to [email protected].
For registration issues, contact Lorinda McKisson at [email protected]
Send a message to learn more