Day Training Daycare vs Dog School -- What's the difference?
This has to be one of the most commonly asked questions about our training services!
The short answer is the amount of individual training time your dog receives throughout the day, and the cost. But let's get into the deeper reasons why you might choose one program over the other, and how each is intended to improve your relationship with your dog.
🐕🦺We'll start with the similarities:
Both Day Training Daycare and Dog School are full-day, drop-off daycare services that are offered at both our Annapolis and Millersville locations, Monday thru Friday from 7am-7pm. As part of the core curriculum, all dogs enjoy a structured playtime session, a group training activity, and a group training session. Each dog is assigned a personal crate for the day, where they go back to rest and nap between activities. We also make sure all dogs receive regular potty breaks throughout the day (usually upon arrival, before and after each activity, and at the end of the day).
During structured playtime, we allow your dog safe, supervised socialization with other compatible dogs (we will do solo play with toys for dogs who are dog-aggressive). During the playtime, we practice recalls and basic commands to build reliability and to control energy levels in a safe manner. We do small groups, with a very high dog-to-staff ratio (sometimes as high as 1 to 1). Dogs who are still learning might drag leashes or even have their leashes held at all times to ensure safety and consistent responses to commands.
Our group training activity changes daily, and usually involves a theme or special focus -- such as a mini obstacle course, proprioception work, recalls, position changes, heeling, greetings etc. We will take a small group of dogs, and our trainers will patiently work each dog through the activity while the others practice waiting on their Place tables. Once each dog has finished the activity, we rotate to the next group of dogs. This activity will be videoed in full and attached to your dog's report card!
So to recap, whether your dog is enrolled in Dog School or Day Training Daycare, they will receive all of the above activities during the day while they are with us.
🐩Now for the differences:
On top of the above activities, Dog School dogs take it to the next level by receiving a total of 90 minutes of one-one-one obedience training and behavior modification throughout the day -- teaching your dog the core skills of heeling, sit, down, stand, stay, recall, place and working around distractions. This also includes off-campus field trips to dog-friendly stores and public locations to practice your dog's skills in real life settings. We will also work on any additional problem areas your dog might have (muzzle training, body handling, accepting nail trims, crate training etc.)
Typically, Dog School is purchased and scheduled as a 3 week (15 day) package that includes weekly private lessons for the owner, so they can keep up to speed on what their dog is learning and how to maintain the training at home. Dog School can be continued as long as you desire, teaching your dog more advanced skills and tricks such as holding and retrieving items and off-leash work!
Dog School dogs should be scheduled a minimum of 3 days a week for good progress, at least until the core program is completed. In contrast, Day Training Daycare is extremely flexible and you can schedule it as often or as little as you like. Day Training Daycare does NOT include any private instruction for owners, so lessons or group classes must be purchased and scheduled separately if desired.
The cost of Day Training Daycare is $50/day individually, with packages that discount it to $45 or $40 per day depending on size and training qualifications. Optional addon services include 20 mins of individual training ($20), 10 mins of Treadmill ($10) and nail trimming ($15).
The cost of Dog School is $100/day individually, or $1700 if you purchase the 15 day + 5 lesson bundle.
🐶Which one should I pick?
Our Day Training Daycare program is a nice supplement to dogs enrolled in our other training programs, but is NOT intended as a stand-alone training program. It's more of a highly structured enrichment daycare that reinforces and supports your dog's basic obedience, manners and socialization skills, but does not include the all-important piece of showing *you* how to work with your dog. As a side note, if your dog has been kicked out of other daycares or otherwise is not a good candidate for large-pack play groups, our daycare program may be an awesome fit for you!
Dog School is the best option if you want *us* to train your dog, and then give you lessons on how to handle them after training is completed. Completing your weekly handling lessons, and remaining consistent after the program is completed is critical for you and your dog to succeed long-term. It's similar in intensity as a Board & Train, but you get to take your dog home every night! Additionally, Dog School or Private Lessons may be a necessary bridge to regular Day Training Daycare if a dog has significant behavior problems or aggression issues.
If you have any questions about our programs, please don't hesitate to reach out via text (833-590-3041) or email ([email protected]) and we'll be glad to assist.
Happy Training!