These memes hit home with me throughout puppies raising! Sweet lil souls, I adore them to pieces 💕🐾
Willow has always enjoyed going on car rides with me 🥰
The best travel companion around 🤗
Suckle kisses from Rabbit! 🐰
Y’all it tickles so so much! But its so sweet 💕🐾
So please forgive the goofy faces I made 🫣
She is claimed! 🏠
#miniaussie #miniaustralianshepherd #puppylove #sweetsoul #miniaussiepuppies #claimed #CapCut
Eyes are starting to open for the Winnie-the-Pooh litter! 🧸🍯
Eeyore is the first to open his eyes and is still unclaimed!
Around week 3 we will take photos with flash to see how they reflect 👀😍
#puppylove #aussiepuppies #australianshepherdpuppies #seethelight #fureverhome #available #lookingforlove #miniaussie #miniaussiepuppy #miniaustralianshepherd
Mama Willow’s precious littles 💕🐾
Flint is the protector of the house, haha! Don’t let the short stature fool ya 😝🤣
His howl is hilarious, love it 🤗💕🐾
Nine dogs later… bahahahaha! Poor guy, he’s a trooper and so supportive 😍
He married me already having Willow and Flint, so he had forewarning 🙃🤣😅