Meet Kronos, a gentle giant with a heart of gold. This adorable, massive puppy was brought into the shelter with bite wounds on his face. Because the origin of the bites was unknown, Kronos was slated for a mandatory four-month hold, delaying his chances of finding a forever home. Not only that, but a hold like that, with all the restrictions that come with it… dogs don't always come out the same after that. And Kronos was such a gentle, sweet boy… we couldn't just leave him there.
Luckily, one of our fosters jumped at the chance to take over Kronos’ sentence in the comfort of his own home, knowing what it meant. Kronos was free! Well, sort of. But still, it was a start!
As you can imagine, caring for a heffalump of his size, for four months… let's just say, that's a loooot of kibble 😬 Not to mention preventatives, and any other care he might need… so we've made an amazon wishlist for those who would like to send our baby elephant a bag of food, or maybe a fun him-sized toy!
This Giving Tuesday, making a tax-deductible donation to Grass Roots Rescue will help ensure that Kronos gets everything he needs while he waits to be released from his hold. Not only him, but the other dogs in our care will also benefit! Every little bit helps, and we can't do it without you. 💙🐾
🌟Facebook Fundraiser link:
🌟DEGives link:
🌟Mailing in a check:
Grass Roots Rescue
PO Box 422
Milton, DE 19968
At the end of October, we were introduced to a spicy little Chi mix who had just been transferred to the shelter we were visiting. She’d been moved because no one at her previous shelter could handle her during her three-day stay. Knowing we have a soft spot for tiny dictator dogs, the rescue coordinator asked if we’d like to meet her. Since we were already there, we thought, Why not?
When we approached her run, we saw the tiniest fox-like baby curled up on a blanket, trembling. My heart immediately went out to her—and so did my arms. My intense desire to scoop her up and put her into my pocket was quickly thwarted by her equal desire to eat me 😬😂
Game on, ma'am. Her feisty attitude only fueled my determination to win her over!!
I spent 15 minutes slowly inching closer as she bared her pearly whites, daring me to FAFO 😈 But Mazikeen’s 5 pounds of fury was no match for my resolve. Finally, she let me touch her, and I gently petted the top of her head. When I stroked down her neck, my fingers grazed something alarming—a wound. She yelped and snapped, clearly in pain.
I snapped some pictures and discovered a gnarly gash which had started to get infected. I alerted the rescue coordinator, and later that evening, she texted with shocking news: the wound wasn’t just a cut. There was a string embedded in her neck, creating a deep injury that wrapped around completely and was worse than we’d anticipated ☹️
Grass Roots Rescue agreed to pull her from the shelter to ensure she got the care she needed and could have somewhere quiet to recover. Prior to us picking her up, the shelter’s vet began treatment with wound cleaning and laser therapy. Mazikeen’s foster picked her up soon after.
Initially, she put on her “tough dog” act, pretending to be big and bad. But as soon as she realized she was finally safe, her true personality emerged: a loving little lap princess.
Mazikeen’s transformation is why we do what we do. Instead of taking
Hail Mary 🫣
Anyone want to foster a mama Dane and her 8 babies??
They were pulled from the GARD property we’ve been working on and are ready to make the trip North to start their new lives!!
Pups are about 4 weeks and eating gruel now.
They should stay with mama for a few more weeks but then we could split them up.
✅Fosters should be in DE or Eastern Shore MD area.
✅Mama and babies need a separate area away from resident pups and foster needs to be willing do so a shut down period where mama is kept away from residents even when she’s not with the babies.
✅We cover all supplies and vetting.
If you’re willing and able, our foster application can be found here:
They would arrive this weekend 😬
Let us know if you have any questions, and please help us spread the word!
We have a very special foster request/need for Blackie who is coming up on the 2nd with 26 others that we pulled from the GARD property this round.
The videos we saw of her quickly won our hearts. She was ALWAYS so happy to see the volunteers, and she seemed so smart. There was no way we could leave her there any longer.
So, we pulled her, and she was moved into a foster home in Georgia.
She’s been there for 3 weeks, and our previous assumption about her intelligence was spot on. In talking to her foster, we are inclined to believe that in a past life, Blackie was a working dog. Here’s what’s led us to that hypothesis…
1️⃣She is very rarely at ease. She has 2 modes, go and sleep. Sitting isn’t a thing for her. She’s either moving or laid out.
2️⃣Her ball drive is unlike anything we’ve ever seen. BALL=LIFE.
We’ve seen dogs that have been toy obsessed before, but this is different. Her focus on the ball, and the exchange of the ball back and forth between her and her people is something that has been taught, reinforced and engrained into her.
So much so that when the ball is removed, she will replace it with any and everything she can fit into her mouth….and whatever it is, she’s going to bring it to her person.
3️⃣Her GA foster has seen her do what sounds like an alert pose/stance several times when out in the yard.
4️⃣She thrives on attention from her people. The one on one interactions, her focus.
She wants so badly to please.
We have no idea how she ended up at GARD. As if that place wasn’t bad enough on it own…to be a highly intelligent dog with a will to work…and be stuck in a yard with no interaction or enrichment for years…..that’s a whole other kind of hell ☹️
It’s going to take Blackie some time to figure out how to navigate this transition.
Due to her drive and desi
We are coming to you this evening with a very special foster plea.
Please meet Laverne and Shirley 🥹
These ladies are very lovely, VERY DEMURE and very much deserving of THE BEST home.
You see, they have been used, abused and neglected their entire lives....right up until the day we were able to save them from that God awful cage.
Both girls were born at a puppy mill near the "rescue". Here they spent the next 5-6 years of their lives. Living in cages, with very little human interaction.....pumping out litter after litter.
Once the mill was done with them, they turned them over to the "rescue". This should have been a turning point in their lives, but instead, they simply moved to a new cage. One where they spent the next 2 years of their lives,just rotting away 😢
The moment we saw them, we knew they were going to be #GRRGirls 🩷
Since being pulled, the girls have been decompressing with a foster down south. She has shared what an absolute delight they are. While definitely shy at first, they are starting to come out of their shells, and each day they prove to be sweeter than we thought the day before.
Health wise, there's some things...🙄
They're both obese, with poor muscle tone.
Laverne has an issue with one of her eyes that causes her pain, and her teeth need some serious attention. The vet that saw her prescribed drops to see if they help with her discomfort, but if they don't, the eye may need to come out.
Shirley is heartworm positive, and has a mast cell tumor on her chest that needs to come off.
Once the girls get here, we will have them seen by one of our vets, and get a game plan in place for treatment of all that ails them.
We've shared their past, and their present with, we are hoping someone out there will want to share their future with them
I have been trying to write this post for a few days now, but have been having a hard time finding the words.
The anger and sadness
For over a week now, we have been working along side a few other organizations on the horrendous situation going on at the southern "rescue" that had an estimated 200 dogs on site.
We've been sharing bits and pieces with you as we can, begging for fosters to step up and help us rescue some of these dogs.
Unfortunately, much of the focus has been on the who and where. We understand wanting to know, and when we have been given the ok, we will share that information with you.
That being said, neither of those things are what is important, RIGHT NOW…..RIGHT NOW, THE DOGS TRAPPED THERE ARE ALL THAT MATTER.
We have had a handful of foster applications come in, for that, we are thankful…..BUT….it’s not enough 😞
Below, you will see the faces of the dogs that we have not been able to pull off the property because we don’t have enough fosters to do so…the ones we can’t help but feel we are letting down 🥺
We are fully aware that we come on here quite frequently begging for help, but honestly, we can't help it.
We are at capacity (along with every other rescue and shelter), and we had no business getting involved with this case…but there was absolutely no way that was possible after being shown just a glimpse into the hell these dogs are living in.
The "bits and pieces" we’ve been allowed to share do not paint an accurate picture of the gravity of this situation.
It’s the pictures and videos we are not permitted to share that are keeping many of us up at night, and why we are pushing so hard for these dogs.
So please, for now, BELIEVE US when we tell you, these dogs NEED YOUR HELP, NOW.
If anyone is willing and able to foster, please submit an application today. It can be here:
We refuse to give up on them, and hope you won’t either 🩵
Please share 🙏🏻
Over the weekend we posted about a “rescue” in the south that has an estimated 200 dogs on site, whose founder was recently arrested for various drug and animal related charges 🙄
Below is a video we got earlier today showing one of the MANY, MANY kennel runs.
The way they’re packed in there….kennel after kennel…OOF 😮💨
What’s worse, they ran out of food over the weekend and had to reach out to another rescue for help….
This whole thing is just so heartbreaking, and overwhelming.
There’s just so many of them..and to know, they may be hungry in addition to having to live like that…we’ve got to get as many of them out of there as we can!!
We need fosters to be able to do that….
Anyone willing to foster, our application can be found here:
✅We cover all supplies and approved vetting. ✅Must live in DE or MD (or close enough that they’re willing to come to DE when needed.
✅Must be willing to keep foster separated from resident dogs for 1-2 weeks after their arrival.
✅We communicate via messenger, so must be willing/able to do so.
🔹They’ll arrive 9/14, and are coming into Felton.
🔹Most of the dogs she’s willing to give up are between 4-18 months and weigh between 30-60 lbs.
🔹Everyone has been housed with other dogs, so we know they are/can be friendly.
These dogs don’t deserve to live like this, and we have the ability to give them a better life. Question is, who is wiling to help us do it⁉️