We have a serving event for our BARC Club members in February! We have partnered with @saltypawsmke for a special treat! Check your emails tomorrow!!!
Reactive Dogs need a safe space to learn to feel more comfortable with other dogs- that's what our You Have aFriend program is all about. In our 4 week class, owners are given tools to use to help their dogs change their emotional response to other dogs in their space. Tools like pattern games, management techniques, leash handling skills and more are offered.
The goal of this class is not to force these dogs into being social dogs, or to force them into situations where they are uncomfortable and have no option to feel better. The goal of the class is actually the opposite! We want owners of reactive dogs to learn how their own dog communicates being uncomfortable, and what works for their individual dog. As these dogs feel safer and more secure, the bond between owner and dog is strengthened and the dogs learn to trust that other dogs in their space is not always a bad thing.
The journey with a reactive dog is not linear- and we would never promise life changing results in 4 weeks. That's why we offer many more options for reactive dogs and their owners like:
🐶 BARC club- a monthly membership with private events for reactive dogs
🐶Monthly Reactive dog hikes- for graduates of our You Have a Friend Program
🐶Advanced You Have a Friend class for those wanting to grow their skills and have more tools to add to their toolbox.
🐶Private gym rentals to give all reactive (and non reactive) dogs a safe place to play off leash
🐶 a variety of classes for reactive dogs including canine fitness, shy dog class, You Have a Friend for small dogs, Doggy Parkour and more!
The staff at Canine Einstein are with our clients every step of the way as they walk the journey from Reactive for calm. We understand that it's a journey with incredible highs and devastating lows. The beauty of our programs is that we are building community around our clients so they never need to feel they are walking this journey alone.
Puppy playgroup, small dog playgroup and adult dog playgroup- all ways we help our social dogs meet new friends! Sign up today!
Our holiday hours are:
Christmas Eve 8-4 for appointments
Christmas Day: CLOSED
New Years Eve: 8-4 for appointments
New Years Day: CLOSED
Parallel Pals is a unique program offered to our You Have a Friend- reactive dog program graduates. It is a gym session with two dogs, each working on their own things with a trainer present.
The benefits of this program is that it gives the owners a chance to practice techniques and build confidence while allowing the dogs to work in the presence of another dog. The video shows the difference Parallel Pals can make. Juice and Dash have both been working on different goals, and have had multiple sessions with different dogs, however this video shows the difference between them with just two months between sessions of working together.
Juice is working on his dog reactivity. He made huge strides when he started parallel pals. You can see in the first video, that his owner needs to keep him engaged nearly the entire time to prevent a reaction. We were all so proud of how well Juice did in October! Fast forward to the session we did last night, and Juice needed far less engagement, he made positive choices to check in with his owner and he had zero reactions the entire session!
Dash has been working on his overexcitement when he sees other dogs. We have been working hard to build his neutrality and for him to be able to relax when other dogs are around. You can see that in October he needed to have the equipment out and needed to be constantly engaged and active. In the session from last night, we had no equipment out and he was able to calmly rest on a cot while watching Juice and his owner on the other side of the gym!
What you may not see in the video, is that Juice approached the gate several times to watch Dash and both dogs remained calm and made really great choices. Parallel Pals builds on our You Have a Friend program to help reactive dogs deal with the emotions they are feeling and to create a new emotional response to their triggers.
We are so proud of these two!
See Spot Play will be holding a pop up here at Canine einstein on Dec 21! We are so excited to have Katie bring her knowledge of nose work! This is sure to be something you won’t want to miss!
We have a few openings at the gym today. Let your dog have the time of their life while you stay warm and dry!
When your reactive dog has a safe place to practice the skills, and you can relax knowing that neither of you will be surprised or rushed by another dog who is "Friendly".
Parallel Pals is our program for reactive dogs that allows you and your dog to work on skills with another dog/handler team in our gym. Teams work side by side, with a divider between them and our doors are locked- preventing anyone from surprising you or your dog.
This environment allows dogs to practice their skills in a safe place. Because there is no threat of being surprised by other dogs/people, the owners are able to relax as well. This makes a HUGE difference for our reactive friends! When we are more relaxed and not tense, our dogs will not pick up on the tension. It helps them relax when we relax.
Each dog for this program is assessed to be sure that everyone is safe and ready. Is this service for your dog?
Parallel Pals is perfect for:
🐶 Dog reactive dogs who have some skills and practice working on their reactivity
🐶People reactive dogs who have some skills and practice working on their reactivity
🐶Overexcited dogs who need to work on building neutrality
Parallel Pals is not good for:
🐶Dog aggressive dogs
🐶Dogs who are dog or people reactive but have not developed skills or worked on their reactivity (we recommend a group class or private training first)
🐶Dogs who are incredibly anxious, or fearful and who would be overly stressed.
What are the benefits of practicing your skills in our Parallel Pals sessions?
💜increased proficiency with skills for your dog
💜Increased confidence for you and your dog
💜Improved relationship between you and your dog as you learn to understand each other
💜Reduced stress and no fear of being surprised!
If you are interested, reach out to us!
Our member spotlight today is Madelyn!
Madelyn started coming to our gym in November 2023 for confidence building. When she first started coming for weekly gym rentals, Madelyn would not step on our equipment and was afraid of new things. She was nervous with new people as well.
Through the use of weekly gym rentals, Madelyns confidence has grown wildly! She now uses all the equipment, including the bottle pools and tunnel, she shreds and she plays with every staff person at the gym! You can see in the first few slides how nervous Madelyn was in November and how confident she is now!
We love Madelyn and her owner! They are a perfect team and support one another through thick and thin!
Plop and Petunia came last week for a drop in fitness class. Plop has IVDD, which prevents him from doing things like jumping or high impact activities. We catered their class to his special needs, focusing on mobility, core strengthening and flexibility.
While Petunia was able to jump and do balance work in our balance snuffle table, Plop was able to learn to do the ladder and balance on a balance disc! Both dogs did great and had a blast!
Our Member spotlight this month is Cota Rocket Bigbee! Cota has been a monthly subscription member since Canine Einstein opened! She comes weekly for a gym rental with her paw-rents! She is a power sniffer who loves to run, jump and play with all the equipment! Her no fear attitude is a joy for all of our staff.
In addition to weekly rentals, Cota has taken several classes with us, and is part of our new BARC club! She loves going for adventures with our sister company Milwaukee Paws Pet Care, adventures with her pawrents and sniffing, shredding and anything active. We are sure she loves the snuggles too, but this girl is 100% go, go, go!
Thank you Cota for your support!
Muddy is ready to play our new Roll for Enrichment Game, are you? 🎲
It's our answer to enrichment that has gotten into a rut- more than just sniffy walks and snufflemats (although those are great and are a part of the game!). All you do is roll the dice, flip to the card with the corresponding number, and it gives you an enrichment activity to do with your dog!
More importantly, it also gives you instructions, and other suggestions for enrichment activities that would pair well with your rolled number!
On sale now, only at Canine Einstein, for $20.