✨Update: Siri has a couple of great applications we are reviewing for her.
Siri is looking for her foster-adopt home.
She’s a small, 3yr-old Amish mill rescue. Siri requires a home with another confident dog. She’s quite skittish to humans and needs a patient human to show her how great her next chapter in life will be!
Check out her profile on our website.
Siri not quite the fit for you? No problem! You can fill out an application and we can leave it on file for when we have a better match for you!
Did you celebrate Valentine’s Day with your Sammy? Let’s see your Valentines dogs! 📸
Siri is still looking for her Valentine 💘
Siri is a 3-year-old puppy mill mama survivor looking for a foster to adopt home. Ideally a home with another confident dog. She is currently in a short term foster home near the twin cities in Minnesota.
Siri is a shy, quiet, and skittish girl, but she’s getting braver every day. She is very small and finds comfort in a crate or backed up against a wall or bookcase. She loves to play in a big fenced yard with her foster siblings. Whether it’s eating it or running around in it, Siri LOVES snow! Siri will occasionally chew on a toy, but startles easily if a person moves too abruptly.
Siri will thrive with a confident resident dog - she learns quickly and is very observant. Her ideal home would have another confident dog to show her the ropes. She’s most comfortable when she’s around other dogs, specifically Samoyeds.
She is mostly potty trained - the only accidents that happen are if she gets scared. Siri takes a little time to warm up to people, but she is such a sweet girl. She will let you pet her and scratch her cheeks if you don’t move too fast. Her foster mom says she does best if you’re on her level, not towering over her, due to her petite size. She’s not overly food motivated, but she will take little treats from your hand. She seems to have FOMO - if the other dogs are getting attention and treats, she’s cautiously watching and approaching so she doesn’t miss anything.
Surprisingly, Siri is not afraid of the noise of vacuums or carpet cleaners! Leashes are a new concept for her, so she’ll need some help learning how to walk on one. Do you have the patience and love that this little mama needs to thrive and live her best life? Apply today! Samoyed-rescue.com
Alexa and Siri enjoying the snow and dog life in their foster home. Can you tell which of the 5 are mill rescues?
Current foster home situation ☺️
Sammies are loving the snow this morning!
Maizy is well on her way to recovery! She was approved for walks and she’s now bearing weight. Her final recheck is next month. Huge thank you to her foster home who has also committed to adopting her! 🥰
Happy New Year!
We wish you a safe and special new year!
(Dottie & Harper two of our mill rescues from 2024 pictured below).
Don’t forget to keep your dogs indoors during fireworks tonight and have their ID tags UTD!
Can you imagine living your whole life outside in a kennel and then one day you get to spend your first real Christmas in your forever home?
Iggy (originally Gunner) is settling into the good life!
Happy holidays everyone!
Briar (formally Hunnybunny) living her best life and learning what snow is! You can save a mill dog too! Contact us to foster or adopt! Samoyed-rescue.com
Happy Friday from one of our very special trios!
Dottie (Dior) and Harper were rescued from mill life earlier this year and they are loving life!