We are out to help the forgotten street cats that roam our neighborhood! TNR, or Trap Neuter Return, is a compassionate, humane, and effective way of helping feral cats. Life is not easy for these forgotten cats. If a feral cat survives kittenhood, his average lifespan is less than two years if living on his own. TNR helps improve their lives tremendously. Cats are trapped, neutered, and returned
to their territory. Males calm down and stop attacking each other; females no longer have the burden of raising kittens. With continued feeding by colony caretakers, or crazy cat ladies as we are affectionately called, feral cats can live up to 10 years. Thundercats TNR started on my block in Bushwick, Brooklyn. Since it's inception at the end of 2013 I've TNR'd multiple colonies in Bushwick and have assisted with projects in other parts of Brooklyn. I've TNR'd about 100 cats to date and have rehomed about 35 cats and kittens who were too friendly to be released. My block alone had about 20 cats, at least 8 of which were friendly- either lost or abandoned pets, and there are still some hard to trap cats who I only see from time to time. I know most blocks in Bushwick have the same sad stories. If you're looking for some resources to help your own ferals, check out Neighborhood Cats which has a ton of great information and resources: www.neighborhoodcats.org. About the founder:
Bonnie Thunders is a dedicated roller derby superstar skating with Gotham Girls Roller Derby in NYC. There is only one thing she loves more than roller derby and that's animals. In 2011 she stepped away from a budding career in non profit wildlife conservation to dedicate her full attention and time to roller derby. She couldn't stay away from work with animals forever and at the end of 2013 she took on a new hobby of sorts- feral cat trap, neuter, and return. It's been some of the most exciting, fullfilling, and fun wildlife work she has done to date- and that says a lot considering she traveled the world for wildlife conservation in her past life! Join her in support for these forgotten street cats. Check out our founder talking about the importance of TNR on the Huffington Post: http://live.huffingtonpost.com/r/highlight/55cb84b578c90ad1b500064d