Did you know that St. Piran lived over 1,000 years ago, when records were virtually non-existent, making it hard to separate fact from fiction? Writer Elizabeth Dale, who focuses her work on Cornish history, shares some insights from her research on the saintly man.
"During his long life in Cornwall (some say he lived 200 years), St Piran became very popular with the locals.
"Besides converting many of them to Christianity, he also had a reputation for celebrating his faith with feasting and merriment. But, perhaps most significantly for the Cornish people, legend has it that it was St Piran who showed them how to smelt tin.
"It became the basis for the industry that would define Cornwall's culture and economy for many generations." https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cornwall-68406096
Stay tuned form more about St. Piran's life.