Timon and Pumbaa are two senior buddies from the same household. Mature cats tend to be more laid-back, and these two know how to relax like kings. Plus, with developed personalities, seasoned felines like this meow-sical duo can offer little to no-worries in training.
Stop by and see us at at 18 Sacred Heart Ave in Mineral for a meet-and-greet anytime we're open to the public (Tues-Sat, 12-5pm). The adoption process is simple and same-day. Learn more at https://www.louisacounty.gov/3269/Adopt-an-Animal.
Found a stray in your neighborhood? Wait a moment before you call Animal Control or take the pet to the Animal Shelter. The animal has a much better chance of being reunited with its owner if it remains in its neighborhood. In fact, the typical reclaim rate for lost pets is only 17% when pets come into the shelter. But when an animal is kept in a safe place in the neighborhood where it was found, that rate jumps to 70%.
Always approach stray animals with caution ... speaking in a calm, gentle voice. Never attempt to capture an animal that is behaving aggressively. If you are able to secure the animal, first check it for injuries. Call Louisa County Animal Control (540-967-1234) if the pet is injured.
If the pet is wearing ID, contact the owner directly. If you are unable to reach the owner immediately, consider holding the animal for a few hours to allow the owner time to return your call.
If you’ve held the animal for a few hours but have not received a return call, please report the information through PawBoost.com as well as lost.petcolove.org. You may also complete a Report a Found Animal form on our website (https://www.louisacounty.gov/3281/Report-a-Found-Animal).
If needed and you are willing to keep the animal for 72 hours, we can provide you with supplies to care for the animal, including food, bedding, collar and leash. It’s recommended to walk dogs around the neighborhood to see if anyone recognizes them. Most dogs travel a mile or less from their home when loose.