A customer claimed this gorgeous adult male guppy before I even realized he'd grown out to his adult color. Now I'm sad I didn't take the time to enjoy his antics while he was here! #fishterylfs #guppy #guppyfish
Do we have any customers that keep tiger barbs? This beautiful trio of green tiger barbs were brought to us because they were too rambunctious for the owners tank, so we want to make sure they go to a special and fitting environment. If anyone is interested you can stop by the shop anytime were open (1-7 Thursday thru Sunday) and we can work out a deal!
Blue flame paradise gouramis
#gourami #fishterylfs #aquarium #freshwateraquarium #freshwater
Red Cherry shrimp
#neocaridina #fishterylfs #shrimp
Gold barbs are the second most peaceful barbs, in a type of fish not usually known to be good for community tanks
X-ray tetras for the see through fish effect. As you can see, these are ready for a forever home with much more room!
Isn’t she an incredible beauty? If she tugs at your heart strings, then you should know red eyed pufferfish are not for the beginner aquarist! She needs snails regularly to keep her teeth worn down.