Looking for shrimp enrichment? Try some cholla wood! Between the tannins it releases and the hiding spots it provides, cholla wood is a perfect complement to any shrimp tank. ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #fishkeeping #fish #chollawood #shrimp #neocaridina #smallbusiness #minneapolis #richfield #tuesdaytanktips
Relax and enjoy thirty seconds of zen from one of our tanks 🫶 ••• Creatures featured in this video: Macmaster’s Cichlid (Apistogramma macmasteri), Hawaiian Variatus Platy (Xiphophorus variatus var. ‘Hawaiian’), Bronze Cory (Corydoras aeneus), Long-Fin Albino Pleco (Ancistrus cf. cirrhosus var. ‘Albino Long-Fin’), Emperor Tetra (Nematobrycon palmeri), Emerald Eye Rasbora (Brevibora dorsiocellata), Gold-Ring Danio (Danio tinwini), Guppy (Poecilia reticulata), White Fin Candy Cane Tetra (Hyphessobrycon bentosi var. ‘White Fin’), Filament Moth Catfish (Hara filamentosa) ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #fishkeeping #fish #thirtysecondsofzen #fyp #smallbusiness #minneapolis #richfield
New plants = happy hobbyists ••• Head in to Rivershore this weekend for a fresh pick of live plants! We’re open 11am-7pm both Saturday and Sunday ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #fishkeeping #fish #liveplants #aquaticplants #plantedtank #smallbusiness #minneapolis #richfield
Saltwater restock! Head in to Rivershore this week to see who can join your home reef 🪸 ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #fishkeeping #fish #saltwater #reeftank #restock #smallbusiness #minneapolis #richfield
Relax and enjoy thirty seconds of zen from one of our tanks ❄️ ••• Creatures featured in this video: Snow White Pleco (Ancistrus sp. var. ‘Snow White’), Green Neon Tetra (Paracheirodon simulans), Platinum Halfbeak (Dermogenys pusilla), Neocaridina Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi), Clown Killifish (Epiplatys annulatus) ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #fishkeeping #fish #thirtysecondsofzen #smallbusiness #minneapolis #richfield
Relax and enjoy thirty seconds of zen from one of our tanks 🫶•• Creatures featured in this video: Wapoga Rainbow (Chilatherina alleni), Balloon Molly (Poecilia sphenops var. ‘Balloon’), German Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi), Koi Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare var. ‘Koi’), Super Red Pleco (Ancistrus sp. “Super Red”) ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #fishkeeping #fish #thirtysecondsofzen #smallbusiness #minneapolis #richfield
Our saltwater selection continues to expand with newcomers including Anthias, Hawkfish, and more! Head into Rivershore this week to find your newest saltwater tank inhabitant or to see some bright and active fish! ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #fishkeeping #fish #saltwater #reeftank #saltwaterfish #smallbusiness #minneapolis #richfield
Happy Monday! Here’s a reminder that even the pros spill water sometimes 🤪 ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #fishkeeping #fish #bloopers #smallbusiness #minneapolis #richfield
Relax and enjoy thirty seconds of zen from one of our tanks ✏️ ••• Creatures featured in this video: Diptail Pencilfish (Nannostomus eques), Phoenix Rasbora (Boraras merah), Neocaridina Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi var. ‘Blue Dream’ & ‘Goldenback’), Gertrude’s Rainbowfish (Pseudomugil gertrudae), Pumpkin Nerite (Vittina waigiensis) ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #fishkeeping #fish #thirtysecondsofzen #smallbusiness #minneapolis #richfield #ifyourereadingthisyourecool
New home owners (or tank owners?)! Come watch these young fish grow up in their new aquarium here at Rivershore! ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #fishkeeping #fish #praecoxrainbow #kribensis #smallbusiness #minneapolis
Tuesday’s Tank Tips spoken by Dan himself! This week, we’re looking at the most common and most useful filter medias we use at Rivershore. What Dan’s Guide would you like to see next? Vote in the poll on our story, or let us know in the comments! ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #fishkeeping #fish #tuesdaytanktips #filtermedia #filterpads #filtration #dan #smallbusiness #minneapolis
Have you ever wondered how to properly use a siphon to clean your tank? Look no further than Dan as he explains his method! ••• #rivershoreaquariums #rivershore #aquarium #fishtank #fish #fishkeeping #tankcleaning #siphon #smallbusiness #minneapolis