Looks like it will be a busy weekend, happy Friday everyone!
Looks like today is the day! I set 2 eggs in this batch because they looked like they might be cracked so I couldn't sell them. One was cracked and I had to toss it but this little fella was apparently good to go. Happy hatch day!
Of all the birds I hatch throughout the year I would have to say that emu are my hands down favorite to hatch!
That being said, due to a lot going on in my life right now I won't be hatching as many as I usually do this season, mostly just for orders a bit later on in the season. Sooo... that means this is your chance to get eggs and check out the excitement for yourself 🤩 Even if you aren't up to actually raising the chicks to adult, there are many people who hatch for the experience of it and then sell the chicks afterwards.
Keep reading and I'll go over a few interesting, helpful things you may or may not know about breeding and hatching emu. They are based on my experiences and what works for me so it may or may not be a bit different from what you've read or experienced.
As I mentioned in the little video clip, they don't require a hands-off lockdown period such as poultry do. In fact very little about emu (which are considered Ratites and not poultry for those who don't know) hatching is similar to the everyday hatching experience. Even the breeding is different... the breeding season is in winter (in the USA, where I am) and the females choose and fight over the males, so it is wiser to have an equal female/ male ratio than to try the traditional 1 male, 2 or more females grouping of domestic poultry, which would often lead to extra stress from females fighting or even death. An even better scenario is to have EXTRA males for the ladies to choose from.
The males are the caretakers in nature. They brood the eggs and care for the chicks. There may be exceptions out there but in general the females do not do either and can even kill chicks if not separated. Totally against what we USUALLY see in animal behavior!
Moving on to if you are interested in getting some eggs to try hatching... my eggs come from 6 different bloodlines so I try my best to get you unrelated eggs for hatching. It also helps agains
Moving birds around today... I'm not sure everyone was too happy with their new neighbors!
You can hear some of pheasants in the background making sure to get their 2 cents in 😆
This little lady was so NOT happy when I tossed her out of the duck box to check on the eggs she's been sitting. I only caught a little of it here but she screeched so much her man was running around absolutely flipped out too.
#LadyAmherstpheasant #MadMama