Confucias say... dog who has itchy bum makes owner have stinky carpet.
We got the pleasure of watching Edriana Isabel Fermin using her PT skills with a mutual pet client. Luna had PTLO surgery and is on her way to recovery one leg at a time. Unleashed Rehab - Canine Therapy & Wellness
With Mobile Vet To Pet Florida – I just got recognized as one of their rising fans! 🎉
Papa cardinal teaching his fledgelings how to forage for food the civilized way.
Mr. Hemingway loves binge watching his very show!! He's on the edge of his seat 🙀🙀👀😹😹
When you get a donkey to follow you on your dog sitting job.
I'm in love with Fiona!
#professionalpetsitters #donkeys #grovelandflorida #clermontflorida #minneolaflorida
I always feel like. Somebody's watching me. 🎵
Oh the faces we see!!
Oh the faces we see!!