That little tail wiggle after they touch noses. 🥹😍❤️ They're so cute
Oliver gave the puppies a great lesson on play bowing and by the end of this beautiful day, several of them were confident enough to play with him.
Ollie has been scared of the puppies up until this point and apparently decided that they're not so bad and he now wants to be best friends. And he gave them some great lessons... it was a good day for both the puppies and Oliver :)
Omg I can't take how cute they are 🥹 wait til the end
the baby toy is "no match" for the puppies now. 😂 They just carry it around, sounds and all.
And Hubble said he is the master of the Bosu ball. He's gonna have core for days if he keeps that up! 😂😏😍
Introduced the bosu ball today, and they took no time at all to climb up it and start playing. And as you can see, they're also doing very well on potty training, such good babies. We also worked on barrier challenges today when I fed them. They had to figure out how to get past the gate and added kennel panel and come in to get the food
They did great! Will try to get a video of that next time
Recall is coming along nicely! Some are still better than others but they're finally all coming to it, or at least coming in the direction and then wondering where the sound is coming from loll gosh they sure are cute haha
Got the secondary pen setup finally, the puppies are 5 weeks old today. I extended it as much as the room would allow. They still have the two potty boxes to help with litter training. I did take their bed out to wash it so I put Nemo's bed in there which also needs washed while I wait for their bed to get done in the wash. I also put all their toys in the wash machine as well so the pen is looking a little scarce with toys but that will be added in later today. Added a jump up area for Vania so she can get away from the puppies if they get a little too rambunctious for her. I also have the grooming table in there so I can continue to work on puppies being on the table and being stacked. And a few other baby toys for enrichment. Everyone is doing great and growing up nicely. I'm going to attempt to do stack photos this week sometime if possible otherwise I will wait until 6 weeks to start stacks.
Giving Mama Vani some extra love and play time, away from the puppies. I'm sitting here working on updating my puppy contracts and she's in a playful mood, so I snagged this video. She's pretty entertaining 😂 such a sweet girl.
This will be her last litter and she is retiring to a pet (spayed) home of her own, where she will be loved and spoiled for the rest of her life. ❤️
There's a process that I do, when I work on nail trims with both puppies and adults. I use my legs as sort of a restraining tool, tightening and loosening my embrace around the puppy or dog. If the dog relaxes, my legs take pressure off allowing more freedom and relaxation. If the dog tries to escape and amps up, I tighten the pressure with my legs, restricting more movement. Eventually they learn, that when we do nail trims, it is a relaxing and quick process. But it takes time to build this process.
You can see here, I've uploaded a video from start to finish, with the initial reaction of how the puppy originally starts to move around and squirm, and he thinks about trying to escape. So I bring my leg up and in, to both to give him better gripping (so he doesn't think hes gonna fall), but also to put pressure on him slightly so that he cannot escape. A little ways through the video, you can see that I release pressure and he stays perfectly still as I finish his nails. I also wanted people to be able to see him on the video since my leg was in the way for the beginning of it. It's quite remarkable how quickly puppies and adults learn this technique from me and I have used it for years with great success. I do not have ANY dogs in my house that fight me for nail trims. If I can find it, I will post a video of Nemo getting his nail trim as an example, he is a professional by now. ;)
I cannot emphasize just how imperative Nail trims are for both puppies and adults! When the nails are long, it brings the paw up, which causes structural compensation all the way up the leg and into the shoulders. The longer the nail is, the more issues a dog can face. If you have nice short nails, it allows the dog to move properly and utilize its body as it needs to. If you allow the nails to grow long, they compensate and it causes structural impairment and can be very painful for the dog. Nobody really likes to do nail trims; they can be a pain in the butt and can be time consu
The boys are really starting to get it! 😍🥰 Might take a few seconds longer from a dead sleep, but even then, slowly that classical conditioning is well on its way! ❤️
This type of training will come in handy when we start doing our recall training. 😁❤️ Good boys!
The social creatures have emerged! 🥹😍 They are so excited to see me now, in the mornings when we wake up and I come in the pen to say hi. It makes me so happy to see their excitement. Gosh I love them. ❤️
Play bites with mom, play bites with humans, and then the snuggles. 😍 He is so funny, he reminds me a lot of his father 🥹 I can't wait to see them at 8 weeks.
Feel free to complete the form for a 🖤♂️🐕 looking for a 🏡. Decision on placement will be made at eight week evaluations
We are 3 weeks old tomorrow and they took to the mush today like ducks to water ❤️ especially Noodle, the smallest puppy. Needless to say, he caught up to his brothers today, and is just 1/2 oz smaller than the rest of them. Everyone ate a little bit, but Noodle filled his belly to the max! They all finished with nursing on mom, after she ate the rest of the puppy mush that they didn't finish. Everyone is satisfied and sleeping peacefully. 🥹❤️