Walter was found by a neighbor, left stranded on the side of the road near their home. He was around 3 to 4 months of age. She brought him by and asked if she were to get his vaccinations and keep him there for a two week period, would we try to help find him a home. She was unable to keep him permanently. We agreed and took Walter in. We started giving him a little obedience training and then decided to see if he was interested in birds. He showed a lot of interest, so we put him through our started dog program. He has done very well with his training and loves to retrieve birds. We are looking for a great home for him. He is obedience trained, collar conditioned and force fetched. We are not asking much for him, just enough to cover some of our expenses. He will take a little time to adjust to a new home because he only knows our kennel as his home. He is a very happy dog and gets along well with other dogs. If you are interested in Walter please contact us.
Up for discussion. Cane is a high drive 10 month old male. He has been obedience trained, collar conditioned, force fetched, and is steady in the blind. He would make a great hunting, hunt test, and family dog. Contact us for more information.
Up for discussion. Molly is a 2 1/2 year old spayed female. She needs to be with someone who loves to hunt and enjoy the outdoors as much as she does. She is driven and absolutely loves to retrieve. She is a fantastic waterfowl and upland dog and is capable of playing any of the hunt test games. She has been force fetched and collar conditioned. She is also great with kids and other dogs making her the perfect all around companion.
Chase is getting amped for his first waterfowl season. #yellowlab #starteddog #labradorretriever #waterdog #gundog #duckdog #brooksidegundogs
Cooper knows that sometimes you have to put a little extra effort into getting your bird! #birddog #labradorretriever #6montholdlab #blacklab #gundogtraining #huntingdogintraining #brooksidegundogs
The puppies are starting to find their voices! #blacklabpuppy #blacklabpuppies #blacklab #labradorretriever #3weekoldpuppy #brooksidegundogs
Raya the retriever at only 9 weeks old! #yellowlabpuppy #9weekoldpuppy #labpuppy #rayatheretriever #futurebirddog #brooksidegundogs
The hummingbirds love hanging out at Brookside. #hummingbirds #hummingbird #rurallife #countryliving #dogtrainerlife #brooksidegundogs
Belle always goes into the water with a ton of drive. #slowmosunday #slowmotiondogs #blacklab #waterdog #duckdog #gundog #gundogtraining #labradorretriever #brooksidegundogs
Panzer scooping his bird on the fly. #blacklab #duckdog #labradorretriever #labrador #retriever #gundog #snowretriever #brooksidegundogs
Arne has spent the last several months with us, prepping for his Utility Test. He is an incredible dog and has been so much fun to work with. We’re putting the finishing touches on his training over the next few weeks and we can’t wait to see what he does in the future. #gsp #blackgsp #gundog #gundogtraining #steadytowingandshot #brooksidegundogs
The first day of summer here at Brookside. It’s 45 degrees and raining. #gundogtraining #firstdayofsummer #colorado #coloradoweather #dogtraining #dogtrainerlife #brooksidegundogs