Hey ALL, this right here is why you should always get a pair of kittens! Just look at the love & security they feel for each other.
Meet Champ (brown tabby)&
Buffalo Dip( orange) 😹😹
After their amazing Rescue from a bar n grill where they were dumped. Fast forward weeks later they have forgotten all about the time they were in a parking lot scared to DEATH!! #catrescue #saveanimals
#catlovers #azaleacitycatcoalition
#newtripod #volunteertohelpcats #Leodeservedachance #catrescuemission #fivdoesntmatter
Update on MrWhiskers… he is doing incredibly well lately.. likes to be brushed and is getting friendlier every day. Mr. whiskers will have his sutures removed this week he will be even more strikingly handsome, One eyed cat, whose life is changed forever 🐾🫶🏼
A once malnourished - semi feral homeless injured cat with a bleak future now thriving and enjoying life, love, food and regular brushing❤️🩹#ittakesavillage
🔺Another injured Tom Cat ; safe now and heading for medical attention.
🔺Please spay and neuter your cats to prevent kittens. Fixed cats lead heathy safer lives.
🔺 Each one fix one🐈🫶🏼🐾 because it takes a village ‼️
Ivys baby video before she got so sick ~ too cute!!xo 🐾
Even though we had an adoption event yesterday! We also had an emergency! Received a contact asking for help
about these 5 little ones ~ who were locked in a trailer ALONE!!
Backstory is that person was going to prison!!!
His coworker was arrested and there was no mommy cat or anyone there to take care of them. Luckily, the person that called knew how to get into the trailer so we had a Volunteer meet him and rescue-the kittens who would have died alone !
#volunteersmakeadifference #catrescue
Ok folks … we need a Christmas miracle for this sweet boy!
Hombre has pillow pad syndrome and a swollen nose. Hoping we can find a medical foster home for him for at least two weeks.? Experienced cat foster would be a Plus. He deserves a chance.
Please share far and wide to help this sweet boy. All he wants to do is make biscuits 🐾🐾🫶🏼
He also has an abnormal heart …
❤️- please help us help him !
Update from the eviction site, we worked tirelessly yesterday all day ! So we were able to round up 18 so far of course there was no food and water when we got there but everybody ate and drank before we rescued them!!
It was a huge deal and the amazing team who were the boots on the ground helping did a FANTASTIC job!
We were able to recover a mom and her three kittens in a hot kitchen cabinet !! They wouldn’t have made it.
A few squirrely ones a and a lot of friendlys! These kitties will be easy to adopt because they’re actually quite well adjusted. We left food and water out for the few that we might have missed. We will do another sweep tomorrow& deploy who was left behind. One of the Torties we got is in heat 🥹🐾!! That was a ticking time bomb lol- she will be spayed asap!
Thanks to all who donated to this project ~ it is a challenge but we will get through it!
We still need a few foster homes and Offcourse adopters. Please share with your friends who might want to help. We had the adults combo tested and all Negative!!🙌🏼💚
🚩Please remember to spay and neuter your pets🚩
#catrescue #fortheloveofcats #TNR
#adoptfostervolunteer #spayacat
It soFurry Friday today ~ here is a happy little video of Ivy a kitten we rescued from the state park!!
She was just treated and tested negative for PanLukakemia (sp😹) We’re so happy she’s healthy now.
#lilhamsterkitty #catrescue