We have got to get those steps in before it gets too hot out! #dog #dogs #dogtraining #dogtrainer #positivereinforcement #positivereinforcementtraining #positivereinforcementdogtraining #trainwithoutpain #trainwithcompassion #foodworks #rottweiler #rottie #rottielove #walk #dogwalk
We are working on our Well-Trained Dogs Can Do More test and so far I think these items are going well! Tests like these are great ways to test your skills and give you clear definitive things to work on if you feel like you are in a training rut. What are you working on with your dog? #dog #dogs #dogtraining #dogtrainer #positivereinforcement #positivereinforcementtraining #positivereinforcementdogtraining #trainwithoutpain #trainwithcompassion #foodworks #welltraineddogscandomore #wtdcdmtest #successjustclicks #beavercounty #beaver #monaca
Training doesn’t have to be flashy heels and precise obedience, actually most of the time training shouldn’t be those things. Training should not be stressful and if that means taking it slow and getting acclimated to a location then that’s what it should be. Going at your dogs pace is what is important. Taking trips to the store and not even getting out of the car is still very valuable training. Keeping your dog happy is always more important than being flashy. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. #dog #dogs #dogtraining #positivereinforcement #positivereinforcementtraining #positivereinforcementdogtraining #positivereinforcementdogtrainer #trainwithoutpain #trainwithcompassion #foodworks #beavercounty
Puppy PreK isn't just playing with friends it's also learning helpful skills. We work on lots of things but coming when called is one of the most important ones. These puppies are learning early on in life that coming when they are called gets them good things such as food and gets them access to the fun they were having before they were called. It is a win win for everyone involved. If you would like to have your puppy coming when called sign up at https://www.dodgerspaws.com/puppyprek