Hey folks! I’ve been holding onto this page in hopes of returning to service at some point, but due to both health and location issues, it is looking like I will not be offering new training any time soon. I am still offering lifetime support for any of my previous clients, so please do not hesitate to reach out. I may offer case by case sessions depending on the severity of the issue and the level of training we achieved together, and as always, am here to provide guidance and referrals while you work on any new issues.
I will happily pass on my personal contact information if anyone would like to keep in touch for any reason, training related or not! For now, my business number is still active but not frequently monitored, so it is best to reach out by email or messenger. I will likely be deactivating that number within a month or two of this post, but my email will remain the same if anyone sees this down the line. Thank you for all of your support over the years, and I hope to hear some tales of you and your pups’ adventures since we last worked together!