Golden Guppy

Golden Guppy Family Owned Aqurium Store
Freshwater and Saltwater

115 E Broadway St. Ste 100 Monona, WI

Come check out our new freshwater fish shipment!Pterophyllum scalare "Blue Pinoy Angelfish"Pterophyllum scalare "Gold Ma...

Come check out our new freshwater fish shipment!

Pterophyllum scalare "Blue Pinoy Angelfish"

Pterophyllum scalare "Gold Marble Angelfish"

Pterophyllum scalare "Koi Angelfish"

Pterophyllum scalare "Marble Angelfish"

Apistogramma macmasteri "Red Neck"

Symphysodon aequifasciatus "Red Cover Discus" 2"

Symphysodon aequifasciatus "Red Melon Discus" 2"

Rocio octofasciata "Jack Dempsey" (Med)

Rocio octofasciata "Electric Blue Jack Dempsey"

Corydoras pygmaeus "Pygmy Cory" "Tank Raised"

Corydoras trilineatus "Reticulated Julii" Tank Raised

Hermiancistrus sp. "Blue Phantom Pleco" L 128 (Medium)

Erethistes (Hara) jerdoni "Dwarf Anchor Catfish"

Kryptopterus vitreolus "Glass Cat"

Pangio semicincta "Kuhli Loach" WILD

Hyphessobrycon amandae "Ember Tetra" (Small)

Nematobrycon palmeri "Black Emperor Tetra"

Paracheirodon innesi "Neon Tetra" (Large)

Hyphessobrycon megalopterus "Black Phantom Tetra"

Barbodes semifasciolatus "Gold Barb" "Tank Raised"

Puntigrus tetrazona "Tiger Barb" (Small)

Puntigrus tetrazona "Albino Tiger Barb" (Small)

Puntigrus tetrazona "Green Tiger Barb" (Small)

Danio margaritatus "Celestial Pearl Danio"

Crossocheilus oblongus "Siamese Algae Eater" "Tank Raised"

Garra flavatra "Panda Garra" WILD (Medium)

Epalzeorhynchos frenatum "Albino Rainbow Shark"

Sahyadria denisonii "Roseline Shark" (Small)

Betta splendens "Assorted Males"

Betta splendens "Plakat Alien Green Male Betta"

Betta splendens "Plakat Alien Copper Violet Male Betta"

Betta splendens "Crowntail Male Betta"

Betta splendens "Crowntail Black Orchid King Male Betta"

Betta splendens "Half Moon Male Betta"

Betta splendens "Half Moon Candy Male Betta"

Betta splendens "Half Moon Dumbo Male Betta"

Betta splendens "Half Moon Koi Male Betta"

Betta splendens "Half Moon White Opaque Male Betta"

Betta splendens "Plakat Black Samurai Male Betta"

Betta splendens "Plakat Galaxy Koi Male Betta"

Betta splendens "Plakat Koi Male Betta"

Betta splendens "Plakat Super Black Male Betta"

Betta splendens "Half Moon Female Betta"

Betta splendens "Half Moon Candy Female Betta"

Betta splendens "Half Moon Koi Female Betta"

Trichogaster chuna "Sunset Honey Gourami"

Trichopodus leerii "Pearl Gourami" "Tank Raised" (Small)

Xiphophorus maculatus "Assorted Platy" (Large)

Melanotaenia praecox "Neon Dwarf Rainbow" (Small)

Pseudomugil luminatus "Red Neon Rainbow"

Oryzias latipes "Blue Miyuki Medaka Ricefish"

Oryzias latipes "Platinum Miyuki Medaka Ricefish"

Caridina multidentata "Amano Shrimp" (Small)

Neocaridina davidi "Blue Velvet Shrimp"

Neocaridina davidi "Cherry Red Shrimp"

Atyopsis moluccensis "Singapore/Bamboo Shrimp"

Clea helena "Assassin Snail"

Neritina sp. "Red Onion/Tiger Track Nerite Snail"

Neritina sp. "Zebra Nerite Snail"

Petrocephalus simus "Dorsal-Band Whale"

Meet the Mystery Snail (Pomacea bridgesii), the unsung hero of the aquarist community. With their vibrant colors and uni...

Meet the Mystery Snail (Pomacea bridgesii), the unsung hero of the aquarist community. With their vibrant colors and unique patterns, they're not just functional but also a beautiful addition to any freshwater tank.

Why They're Awesome:
Algae Eaters: They'll happily munch on algae, keeping your glass and decor clean.
Easy Care: Low maintenance, they're perfect for both beginners and pros.
Aesthetic Appeal: From golden to blue, their shells come in a variety of colors, adding life to your underwater landscape.

A Few Tips:
Ensure a varied diet beyond just algae for their health.
They love to climb, so secure your tank lid!
If you get more than one they may breed.

Whether you're looking for natural tank maintenance or just want to add some character, Mystery Snails are the companions you didn't know you needed!


Hey Everyone! Just wanted to let you guys know that due to a snow storm our fish/plant shipment is delayed until tomorrow. Fish should be available tomorrow and plants on Friday. We are sorry for the inconvenience and hope to see you all soon!!

Happy New Year! We are open New Years Eve for our regular hours and will be closed for New Year's Day

Happy New Year! We are open New Years Eve for our regular hours and will be closed for New Year's Day

Merry Fishmas, everyone! We will be closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Have a safe and happy holiday!

Merry Fishmas, everyone!
We will be closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Have a safe and happy holiday!

While our fish don't make the greatest stocking stuffers, they can help make your home a tropical paradise even through ...

While our fish don't make the greatest stocking stuffers, they can help make your home a tropical paradise even through this cold holiday weather! Come check out this week's new selection for freshwater and saltwater fish, as well as stocking up on food, live plants, wood, and more!

Golden Guppy Fish Stock List

Black Neon Tetra
Black Phantom Tetra
Bleeding Heart Tetra
Blue Emperor Tetra
Candy Cane Tetra
Cardinal Tetra
Columbian Tetra
Congo Tetra
Ember Tetra
Glolite Tetra
Green Fire Tetra
Green Neon Tetra
Jelly Bean Tetra
Lemon Tetra
Neon Tetra
Ornate Glass Tetra
Pristella Tetra
Red Phantom Tetra
Ruby Tetra
Rummynose Tetra
Silver Tip Tetra

Brilliant Rasbora
Chili Rasbora
Emerald Eye Rasbora
Emerald Rasbora
Harlequin Rasbora
Kubotai Rasbora
Neon Blue Rasbora
Neon Red Rasbora
Phoenix Rasbora
Porkchop Rasbora
Rummynose Rasbora

Black Paradise Gourami
Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami
Fire Honey Gourami
Sunset Honey Gourami
Honey Gourami
Gold Gourami
Opaline Gourami
Pearl Gourami
Sparkling Gourami

Celestial Pearl Danio
Choprae Danio
Fireline Danio
Leopard Danio
Pearl Danio
Tinwini Danio
Zebra Danio

Borneo Sucker Loach
Clown Loach
Dwarf Chain Loach
Horseface Loach
Kansu Loach
Multi Stripe Loach
Reticulated Hillstream Loach
Ring Loach
Saddled Hillstream Loach
Zebra Loach/Striata Botia
Yoyo Loach
Kuhli Loach

Cherry Barb
Longfin Cherry Barb
Gold Barb
Green Jade Tiger Barb
Green Tiger Barb
Longfin Rosy Barb
Odessa Barb
Tiger Barb

Albino Bristlenose Pleco
Blue Eye Lemon Bristlenose Pleco
Bristlenose Pleco
Calico Bristlenose Pleco
Clown Pleco
Green Dragon Bristlenose Pleco
Blue Phantom Pleco (L128)
Snowball Bristlenose Pleco (L184)
Yellow Zebra Pleco (L199)
Green Phantom Pleco (L200)
Longfin Bristlenose Pleco
Longfin Calico Bristlenose Pleco
Longfin Super Red Bristlenose Pleco
Rubberlip Pleco
Super Red Bristlenose Pleco

Sterbai Corydora
Violet Corydora
Bronze Corydora
Albino Corydora
Concolor Corydora
Pygmy Corydora
Habrosus Corydora
Paleatus Corydora
Hi-Fin Paleatus Corydora
Orange Venezuelan Corydora
Panda Corydora
Julii Corydora
Elegans Corydora

Boesemani Rainbow
Celebese Rainbow
Furcata Rainbow
Kali Datu Rainbow
Luminatus Rainbow
Millenium Rainbow
Neon Dwarf/Praecox Rainbow
Signifer Rainbow
Turquoise Rainbow

Amano Shrimp
Bamboo Shrimp
Ghost Shrimp
Assorted Mid-Grade Neocaridina
Blue Velvet Neocaridina
Jade Green Neocaridina
Orange Neocaridina
Red Rili Neocaridina
Cherry Red Neocaridina

Misc Freshwater Fish
Apisto Agassizii "Double Red"
Apisto Borellii "Blue"
Apisto Cacatuoides "Gold"
Apisto Cacatuoides "Orange Flash"
Apisto Macmasteri "Red Neck"
African Dwarf Frog
Assorted Betta
Assorted Cichlids
Assorted Endlers
Assorted Male Guppy
Assorted Molly
Assorted Peacock Cichlids
Assorted Platy
Banjo Cat
Black Fin Celebes Halfbeak
Black Ghost Knife
Black Tiger Badis
Blood Red Parrot
Bolivian Ram
Borneo Glass Cat
Buckelkopf Acara
Bumblebee Goby
Cassuarius Buffalo Head Cichlid
Clown Killi
Cobalt Blue agony
Daisy Blue Ricefish
Dwarf Anchor Catfish
Dwarf Synodontis Petricola Cat
Electric Blue Acara
Electric Blue Jack Dempsey
Empire Gudgeon
Endlicheri Bichir
Farlowella Twig Cat
Female Gold Australia Killi
Fire Mouth Cichlid
Flagtail Porthole Cat
German Blue Ram
Ghost Shark
Gold Severum
Gold White Cloud Minnow
Golden Soldier Cat
Julii Corydora
Koi Swordtail
Lime Green Endler (Female)
Marble Hatchet
Neo Brichardi "Kiki Blue Face"
Orange Hatchet
Orange Nishiki Ricefish
Orange Volcano Rabbit Snail
Panda Garra
Pea Puffer
Peacock Gudgeon
Pintail Chances
Platinum Parrot
Polar Blue Tiger Parrot
Rainbow Shark
Red Arc Pencilfish
Red Lizard Whiptail Cat
Reticulated Siamese Algae Eater
Roseline Shark
Scarlet Badis
Scarlet Endler Pair
Siamese Algae Eater
Silver Angel
Silverado Endler Pair
South American Puffer
Steel Tail Endler (Female)
Tinanti Buffalo Head Cichlid
Tire Track Eel
Upside Down Catfish
White Cheek Goby
Yellow Tail Spiny Eel

Assorted Damsel
Assorted Hermits
Assorted Oscellaris Clown
Assorted Pistol Shrimp
Bartlett's Anthias
Blood/Fire Shrimp
Blue Dot Toby Puffer
Carpenter Flasher Wrasse
Emerald Crab
Maroon Clown (XL)
Matted Aptasia Eating Filefish
Midas Blenny
Panamanian Oyster Blenny
Percula Clown
Pink Skunk Clown
Pompom Crab
Purple Dottyback
Red Scooter Blenny
Scopas Tang
Sea Hare
Sixline Wrasse
True Yellow Watchman Goby
Yellow Clown Goby
Yellow Tang (Wild Caught; XL)

Check out our new freshwater shipment

Check out our new freshwater shipment

Thank you so much for the shout out

Thank you so much for the shout out

209 likes, 12 comments. “Who’s ready to see the new fish??”

Get your Wrasse in here and check out our saltwater Selection!SALTWATER FISH/INVERTSYashia GobyYellow Tang (OG Wild Caug...

Get your Wrasse in here and check out our saltwater Selection!


Yashia Goby
Yellow Tang (OG Wild Caught)
Blueside Fairy Wrasse
Powder Brown Tang
SW Sailfin Mollies
Red Stripe Ebli Angel
Matted Aptasia Eating Filefish
Foxface Rabbitfish
Skunk Clownfish
Pajama Cardinals
Sixline Wrasse
Algae Blenny
Vermiculate Female Leopard Wrasse
Scopas Tang
Yellow Clown Goby
Snowflake Clownfish
Storm Clownfish
Frostbite Clownfish
Regular Clownfish
Bartlett's Anthias
Picasso Huma Trigger
Bristletooth Two Spot Tang
Carpenters Flasher Wrasse
Blue Spot Toby Puffer
Midas Blenny
Purple Dottyback
Blue Damsel
Ocellated Scooter Blenny
Possum Wrasse
Yellow Blotch Rabbitfish
Panamanian Oyster Blenny
Neon Dottyback
Tiger Pistol Shrimp
Zebra Hermits
Scarlet Hemits
Red Tip Hermits
Nassarius Snails
Turbo Snails
Conehead Agae Eater Snails
SW Nerite Snails
Dragons Breath Macro Algae
Asst Rock Flower Anemones
Green Bubble Tip Anemones
Rose Bubble Tip Anemones
Rainbow Bubble Tip Anemones


Neon Green Branching Hammer
24k Gold Torch
LG Red Green Lobo
Bleeding Apple Scoli
Asst Montipora
Asst Zoanthis
Asst Palythoa
Asst Favias
Asst Acans
Bam Bam Zoa
Forest Fire Digitata
Green Trumpets
Candy Cane Trumpets
Frosted Phoenix Zoa's
Cat Eye Bubble Coral
Clove Polyps
Asst Mushrooms
Green Plate Coral
Wall Frogspawn
Asst Leathers

More in store call us for pricing or questions.

Its cold outside, if you need to warm up stop by and check out our freshwater fish and plants!FRESHWATER FISHAsst Halfmo...

Its cold outside, if you need to warm up stop by and check out our freshwater fish and plants!


Asst Halfmoon Betta
Asst Crowntail Betta
Asst Dumbo Betta
Female Koi/Candy Halfmoon Bettas
Asst Plakat Betta
Cherry Shrimp
Orange Sunkist Shrimp
Ghost Shrimp
Amano Shrimp
Bamboo Shrimp
Asst Nerite Snails
Asst Mystery Snails
Asst Rabbit Snails
Pearl Gouramis
Male Powder Blue Gouramis
Female Powder Blue Gouramis
Sparkling Gouramis
Fire Honey Gourami
Sunset Honey Gouramis
Opaline Gouramis
Red Flame Dwarf Gouramis
Royal Blue Dwarf Gouramis
Green Neon Tetras
Neon Tetras
Black Neon Tetras
Ornate Glass Tetra
Green Fire Tetras
Ruby Tetras
Black Phantom Tetras
Pristella Tetras
Jelly Bean Tetras
Blue Emperor Tetras
Ember Tetras
Bleeding Heart Tetras
Glolite Tetras
Whitefin Tetras
Red Phantom Tetras
Lemon Tetras
Rummynose Tetras
Columbian Tetras
Platinum Neon Tetras
Congo Tetras
Silvertip Tetras
Asst Skirt Tetras
Chili Rasbora
Emerald Rasboras
Celestial Pearl Danios
Phoenix Rasbora
Harlequin Rasboras
Brilliant Rasboras
Rummynose Rasboras
Emerald Eye Rasboras
Neon Blue Rasboras (aka Axelrodi Rasbora)
Porkchop Rasboras
Kubotai Rasboras
Aneus Corydoras
Panda Corydoras
Albino Corydoras
Orange Venezuelan Corydoras
Concolor Corydoras
Julii Corydoras
Paleatus Corydoras
Hi Fin Paleatus Corydoras
Sterbai Corydoras
Violet Corydoras
Bushynose Plecos
Calico Bushynose Plecos
Clown Plecos
Albino Bushynose Plecos
Longfin Bushynose Plecos
Green Dragon Bushynose Plecos
Longfin Super Red Bushynose
Snowball Bushynose Pleco L184
Rubberlip Plecos
Colombian Zebra Pleco L129
Red Fin Sternella Pleco L114
Yellow Zebra Pleco L199
Leopard Frog Pleco L134
Blue Phantom Pleco L128
Asst Male Fancy Guppies
Asst Female Fancy Guppies
Steel Tail Endlers Pairs
Silverado Endlers Pairs
Lime Green Endlers Pairs
Asst Endlers
Asst Platies
Balloon Belly Mollies
Asst Mollies
Koi Swordtails
Apistogramma Borellii "Blue"
Apistogramma Caucatuoides "Orange Flash"
Apistogramma Agassizii "Double Red"
Apistogramma Macmasteri "Red Neck"
Dwarf Chain Loaches
Clown Loaches
Kuhli Loaches
Kansu Loaches
Reticulated Hillstream Loaches
Dwarf Horseface Loaches
Horseface Loaches
Ring Loaches
YoYo Loaches
Multi Stripe Loaches
Luminatus Rainbowfish
Signifer Rainbowfish
Celebese Rainbowfish
Kalit Datu Rainbowfish
Millennium Red Rainbowfish
Bosemani Rainbowfish
STAFF PICK Neon Dwarf Rainbowfish
Turquoise Rainbowfish
Tinwini Danios
Pearl Danios
Giant Danios
Zebra Danios
Leopard Danios
Fireline Danios
Choprae Danios (aka Glolite Danios)
Cherry Barbs
Albino Cherry Barbs
NEW Green Jade Tiger Barbs
Longfin Rosy Barbs
Tiger Barbs
Green Tiger Barbs
Gold Barbs
Odessa Barbs
Silver Angelfish
Pink Tail Chalseus
Asst Discus
German Blue Rams
Panda Garra
Siamese Algae Eaters
Roseline Sharks (aka Denison Barbs)
Gold White Cloud Mountain Minnows
Upside Down Catfish
Peacock Gudgeons
Electric Blue Orange Blaze Rams
White Cloud Mountain Minnows
Red Lizard Whiptail Catfish
Bumblebee Goby
Black Fin Celebes Halfbeak
Gold Severums
Locally Bred Kribensis
Reticulated Siamese Algae Eaters
NEW Orange Hatchetfish
Bolivian Rams
Pea Puffers
Black Tiger Badis
Daisy Ricefish
White Cheek Gobies
Yellow Tail Spiny Eel
Locally Bred Platinum Parrotfish
Glass Catfish
STAFF PICK Synodontis Petricola
Orange Nishiki Ricefish
Red Arc Pencilfish
Scarlet Badis
Emperor Gudgeons
Dwarf Anchor Catfish (aka Stone Cats)
Delhezi Bichir
Locally Bred Blue Polar Parrots
Blood Red Parrotfish
Tinanti Buffalo Heads
Neolamprologus Brichardi "Kiki Blue Face"
Neolamprologus Multifasciatus
Endlechiri Bichir
Buckelkopf Acaras
Casuarius "Buffalo Head"
Farowella Catfish
Dwarf Frogs
Electric Blue Acaras
Rainbow Shiners
Asst African Cichlids
Large Common Pleco
Gold Australe Killi Pair
Rainbow Sharks
STAFF PICK Flagtail Porthole Catfish
Golden Soldier Catfish
Ghost Sharks
Firemouth Cichlids
Jack Dempsey Cichlids


Large Amazon Sword
Micro Sword
Narrow Leaf Micro Sword
Narrow Leaf Chain Sword
Pinwheel Melon Sword
Reni Sword
Amazon Sword
Red Flame Sword
Vesuvius Sword
Marble Queen Sword
Compacta Sword
Crypt Lutea
Crypt Parva
Crypt Spiralis
Crypt Undulata
Crypt Wendtii "Bronze"
Crypt Wendtii "Green"
Crypt Wendtii "Red"
Anubias Nana
Anubias Hastafolia
Anubias Frazeri
Anubias Congensis
Anubias Barteri
Rotala Orange Juice
Rotala Indica
Rotala Nanjashem
Dwarf Sag
Cardinal Plant
Red Tiger Lotus
Water Sprite
Hydrocotyl Japan
Green Myrio
Contortion Val
Jungle Val
Broad Leaf Ludwigia
Hygrophila Augustofolia
Myrio Filigree
Cherry Hedge
Java Fern
Red Myrio
Pogostemon Helferi
Java Moss
Weeping Moss
Christmas Moss
Red Root Floaters
Asst Floaters

New arrivals 🛬 bothe fresh and saltwater fish

New arrivals 🛬 bothe fresh and saltwater fish

Don't miss our Black Friday sales! 11-29  / 11-30 We will be closed on Thanksgiving.

Don't miss our Black Friday sales! 11-29 / 11-30
We will be closed on Thanksgiving.

Check out our new saltwater unboxing!

Check out our new saltwater unboxing!

Saltwater aquarium fish unboxing at the Golden Guppy

Check out the latest fish shipment in our New unboxing video

Check out the latest fish shipment in our New unboxing video

Guppy Gang fish unboxing

So many new finned friends just arrived at the Golden Guppy! Stop in and adopt a new buddy!!😁

So many new finned friends just arrived at the Golden Guppy! Stop in and adopt a new buddy!!😁

New saltwater shipment

New saltwater shipment

New driftwood and new Freshwater fish this week

New driftwood and new Freshwater fish this week

New inventory of freshwater fish and plants have arrived!!

New inventory of freshwater fish and plants have arrived!!


115 E Broadway
Monona, WI

Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 7pm
Tuesday 11am - 7pm
Wednesday 11am - 7pm
Thursday 11am - 7pm
Friday 11am - 7pm
Saturday 11am - 4pm
Sunday 11pm - 4pm




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