The one with the flipped ear at first is Myles🩵, the one with the very happy tail is Sadie🩷, and the one who is sitting in the back for awhile is Linus🩵. These sweet babies were all groomed today😍
~Phoebe x Charlie~
*ALL are spoken for
They are doing very well with their solid food! The first one I’m playing with is Myles🩵, and then Sadie🩷 is chewing next to him, and Linus🩵 is over at the food eating. They’re so sweet!❤️
~Phoebe x Charlie~
*ALL are spoken for
It’s so cute how now they get up and want to come play when they see and hear you❤️
The first one out of bed is Myles🩵, then Sadie🩷, and then Linus🩵
~Phoebe x Charlie~
*ALL are spoken for
In order of appearance: Myles🩵, Linus 🩵, & Sadie 🩷
All the pups had baths this morning (except the babies), and all their bedding/toys have been washed. Fresh start to the week!
*ALL babies are spoken for
This is not “dog-related”, but if you’ve been following my page for awhile now, you will know that I LOVE Maverick City Music, and often put it to my posted puppy videos. I was able to see them live last night in Charlotte, and it was amazing. I very rarely am able to get out, since I always have the dogs/litters to care for, and I’m a mother to 8, plus a grandson I watch all through the week, so it was such a beautiful, blessed night out!
Maverick City Music
The whole crew 🩷🩵🩷🩷🩵🩵🩷🩷🩷
~Phoebe, Phin, Maevie, Sophie, Loki, Charlie, Lucy, Maggie & Birdie~
*they’re mine
Little Deezy (formerly “Brigsy”- Sophie x Charlie) making himself comfortable in his new home 🩵
Freshly bathed with clean mats/bed and a sanitized enclosure ❤️
Their toys are in the dryer.
No color collars right now, since they had a bath, but don’t worry, families….. they are very easy for me to tell apart 😂❤️
-Sophie x Charlie-
*ALL are spoken for
Finley🩵 & Lailah🩷
Babies got a trim today, nails included😊
-Phoebe x Charlie-
~Finley🩵 & Lailah🩷~
*both are spoken for
Phoebe being a good mama to Finley and Lailah❤️
Phoebe being such a great mama to her babies! She’s so cute!😂❤️
Lailah 🩷 has the white blaze on her head, and white chest (like her dad!), and Finley🩵 is solid
*Lailah is spoken for
What an awesome update from Charlie (formerly “Gunther”- Sophie x Charlie)! Look what a smart boy he is!❤️