Georgia Disc Dogs was founded to bring you high quality entertainment featuring the talented GDD's High Flying Skye, Thrilling Thrasher, Soaring Sienna, & Turbo Charged Tawny! He chose Skye, a border collie, because he had always wanted a smart dog that could do something besides just sit around the house. He was inspired to make Skye a frisbee dog when he saw a local trainer at PetSmart perform a
trick where the dog stood up on his feet and caught frisbees. Preston is a self-taught competitor and performer who learned to compete by attending competitions and taking notes and videoing tricks and maneuvers of different handlers. Preston has been competing and performing for six years and has made quite an impact in the sport. Preston’s patience and consistency of work have led him to be a great handler. Preston now has four border collies that he competes and performs with. He is a sophomore in college studying Animal Science. He has traveled the United States competing and performing with his dogs. During the summer of 2008, he and his dogs entertained thousands of patrons in Branson, Missouri at Celebration City Amusement Park performing the show “Jump…The Ultimate Frisbee Dog Show!” During the following summers, he performed with the “Mutts Gone Nuts” tour traveling the states of Ohio, Illinois and Wisconsin. Preston is an 11 time World Finalist in 3 different divisions of competitive canine frisbee. He was also the first runner up in the 2010 Purina Incredible Dog Challenge that was televised on NBC. He also earned the title of Junior World Frisbee Dog Champion when he was only 14 years old. When not competing, Preston entertains at various events. He has performed during the halftime for the Atlanta Falcons during their regular season home games. He also entertained the troops at Fort Benning on the Fourth of July as a way of thanking them for their service. He also performs for various Chamber of Commerce events, Humane Society events, Dog Rescue events and other corporate events and