Like Home Animal Rescue

Like Home Animal Rescue We are closed. Animal rescue and foster home. Rescue, rehabilitate and rehome animals in need. The animals we take in are all part of our family.

Permanently closed.

We do not have set hours, it is by appointment only, contact us if you would like to come meet a particular animal or spend some time socializing with them :)

We believe we are a stepping stone for animals, at risk for death or surrendered, on their journey to find their forever home. Shelters do what they can with the high number of animals they have. We strongly believe that shelters can someti

mes be detrimental for a dogs' mental status and psyche, and that it can cause an animal to revert to bad behaviors or pick up new ones. They can also stop trusting humans and forget what a loving touch feels like. It can be very hard on an animal in a shelter and that also makes it very difficult to see the true personality of an animal or how that animal will act when in your home. We only have a few dogs at a time so that we make sure we are focusing on them and their future. We want them to have a life as close to the life they will have when adopted to a new home. We keep them inside and are with us and our family, we want to learn their personalities and keep them moving in a positive direction so when they are ready for adoption, we find them the best fit: for dog and new home we can. This will also make their transition to a new home much easier. UPDATE 7.8.22:
We are making some changes to things based on some recent circumstances. We will no longer be taking in dogs or cats directly to our rescue. We instead will be partnering with another sister rescue and working with some of their animals that may need some extra care. We will post them on our site and info about them so people can watch their progress or come and visit them, but when ready to adopt, they will be adopted from the other rescue so the adoption application that will need to be filled out is theirs. We feel this will allow us to help more animals that may have had an unfortunate future.


We are sorry to say we have closed our doors due to bills too high and lack of donations. We have adopted many animals over the years and we are always excited to see updates and pictures of them. We will leave site open for now if anyone wants to share. Thank you to everyone that has supported us over the years.


We are sad to announce we are closing our doors for good, with the bills too high and no donations we can no longer continue. We need help finding our last dog a home.

She is sweet, loving, loyal, very smart. She is between 2-3 years, fixed and up to date on vaccines and everything. Gets along with most dogs. She loves all humans all ages. She is house broken and crate trained and knows many commands. If you want to meet her message us. Her picture is in the comments.


We are no longer taking in animals except for very special circumstances. I have left the business world to be a teacher. Thank you, to those that have supported us.

Sweet Alice is ready and looking for her forever home. She is around two years old, loves everyone she meets, she can be...

Sweet Alice is ready and looking for her forever home. She is around two years old, loves everyone she meets, she can be dog selective so we are recommending a home that doesn’t have another permanent dog. She knows many commands and is house and crate trained. If you are interested in meeting seeet Alice message us.


This is super cool

A lot has been happening in our family. Our son graduated from Air Force basic training today. Our boy is a man. Many ch...

A lot has been happening in our family. Our son graduated from Air Force basic training today. Our boy is a man. Many changes coming in the future for all parts of our lives, more to come. Congratulations Airman Logan Creamer!

Dex is still looking for his forever home. If you are looking for a sweet and super smart German Shepherd, Dex if for yo...

Dex is still looking for his forever home. If you are looking for a sweet and super smart German Shepherd, Dex if for you. He is a happy go lucky guy, crate trained, potty trained, knows some commands, gets along with everybody. Let us know if you would like to come meet him.


Sweet Alice is so smart and a fast learner, she hasn’t even been here a full week and she is a pleaser. She had been in the shelter for over two years before we pulled her. People overlooked a gem. She is amazing and so eager to please. So many dogs like this are overlooked because they may not present well in a loud crowded shelter environment and are totally different dogs when out of the scary environment and given a warm bed and family.

You CAN teach an old dog new tricks, and rescues dogs are some of the most loyal and loving because they know how bad their life could be and are so thankful.

The shelter she came from has so many more dogs just like her. So if you are looking please contact us and we can connect you, many have very low if any adoption fees because they have been sponsored by someone because they have been in the shelter so long.

Most of the time dogs in shelters are not there because of something they did. The shelter Alice came from is overcrowded and can’t even take in owner surrenders because they are full of stray dogs that are not claimed by their owners, others are in shelters because their family decided to move and not take them or they don’t have time for a dog anymore.


Dogs enjoying the nice weather


If you are looking to adopt a furever family member and need helping finding that perfect fit. We may be able to help. Message us with what you may be looking for, age, s*x, what other animals you have, your lifestyle, your hopes for your new family member and we can see if we can help connect you with them. We network with rescues and shelters across the state and may be able to find the perfect fit, and in some situations we may be able to bring the dog to our home so it is closer for a meet and greet.


A video of sweet Alice learning to play and be free

Welcome Alice. While I am recooping from surgery Alice has arrived at our rescue. She is so sweet, has spent more than h...

Welcome Alice. While I am recooping from surgery Alice has arrived at our rescue. She is so sweet, has spent more than half her life at a shelter so we are working on some doggy skills with her and hoping she gets seen by a new crowd while with us. She is excellent with people and kids, doesn’t care to much about cats but we are introducing her slow to other dogs as she has been around them and seen them her whole life but hasn’t really interacted and played with them. She is fully vetted and between 2-3 years old. If interested in meeting Alice please contact us.


We have been working with Muncie animal care and services. If you see a dog you are interested in meeting but don’t want to drive, let us know and we can possibly bring the dog to our rescue so you can do a meet and greet. They have so many wonderful dogs and are over crowded that they can’t even take more in, so look at their site and help them find homes for their dogs.

Boxer lovers, look at this face

Boxer lovers, look at this face

We went and met a few dogs at Muncie and this guy is so sweet, I can’t believe he hasn’t been adopted, if you know someo...

We went and met a few dogs at Muncie and this guy is so sweet, I can’t believe he hasn’t been adopted, if you know someone let them know he is waiting for his new family

This guy is looking for his forever home please share

This guy is looking for his forever home please share

Great news! Dex had his last appointment at Purdue and has finished his antibiotics and treatment. He has been cleared t...

Great news! Dex had his last appointment at Purdue and has finished his antibiotics and treatment. He has been cleared to find his forever home. If you are interested in meeting Dex and possibly making him part of your family please contact us. He has just turned a year old, is super smart and loving. Only issue he has is his back legs get wobbly sometimes but he can do everything every other dog can do and has no restrictions, and his legs can continue to get better over time. This will be a tough one to say goodbye too, he is good with other dogs, cats and loves kids.

Dex went to Purdue today and had another CT scan to check on his progress. He has no more infection in his spine so we c...

Dex went to Purdue today and had another CT scan to check on his progress. He has no more infection in his spine so we can begin to taper off of the steroids but still taking the antibiotic. We will have to watch him closely to make sure he doesn’t start to get worse. He was such a good boy. What is another $1,000 added to what we pay when you see his progress and where we could be. He has also gained weight and is up to 67 pounds!


I have two pups that need groomed bad, they missed their appointment and we can’t get them in anywhere. Anyone know how to groom that wants to help us out?


If anyone has money they need to donate before the end of the year please think of our 501c3 animal rescue that runs solely on donations. Stay safe and have a happy new year!


Looking for anyone that has experience with dog training that would like to volunteer their services to come and work with Dex and possibly other dogs. We are located in Monticello.

Update on Dex: He went to the vet school for check-up last Friday. He had a bunch of blood work done. His white blood co...

Update on Dex:

He went to the vet school for check-up last Friday. He had a bunch of blood work done. His white blood count is back down, his red blood cells are slightly low so they will monitor, they were amazed at how far he has progressed in a week. He will stay on his antibiotics and all his meds for a few months, we will wait and see how far he will improve and if he will make a full recovery or if the infection damaged his spinal cord. He is a trooper. We go back in a month for more blood tests and a ct scan, so after the few hundred bill this last time, the next one is gonna be a doozy.


Dex is doing pretty good with sling, can’t be up too long gets tired. If anyone has any rugs they don’t want and wants to donate we have all wood floors so we have had to put a sea of rugs all over the floor so that he has some traction and doesn’t hurts toes when they drag.


11.24.22 afternoon update:
We got great news, he p*ed on his own and we will be picking him up tomorrow at 9 am. They think he will do better in our care verses ICU. He tries to walk but still is paralyzed and needs a sling. They will train us on everything tomorrow before we leave. We are so excited. They seemed shock with his progress over such a short time and not knowing what was wrong but I will take it. We are pumped to have him home. He will have lots of continued appointments with neuro and physical therapy as he has a long road ahead but to be out of ICU and the scary part is huge. More to come.

12.1.22 update:Dex is doing well he can walk with out sling though it is sloppy and he looks like he has had a few too m...

12.1.22 update:
Dex is doing well he can walk with out sling though it is sloppy and he looks like he has had a few too many drinks but he is progressing, he goes back to see vet tomorrow for his one week check, excited to see what vets think of his progress.


11.25.22 morning update:
DEX IS HOME!! He walks with a sling and is trying to do things on his own. Still a long road ahead. He will have lots of future appointments and CT scans and possibly surgery, but we are thrilled to have him home.

11.24.22 afternoon update:
We got great news, he p*ed on his own and we will be picking him up tomorrow at 9 am. They think he will do better in our care verses ICU. He tries to walk but still is paralyzed and needs a sling. They will train us on everything tomorrow before we leave. We are so excited. They seemed shock with his progress over such a short time and not knowing what was wrong but I will take it. We are pumped to have him home and live on him. He will have lots of continued appointments with neuro and physical therapy as he has a long road ahead but to be out of ICU and the scary part is huge. More to come.


11.24.22 morning update:
We got a great call this morning. Dex seems to be acting more like a puppy, interested in other dogs in ICU, chewed his Iv and catheter off, eating great, went p**p outside on his own and voluntarily MOVED HIS LEGS! Though only slightly it was movement. We aren’t out of the woods and he still may be paralyzed but it is a huge thing. They expressed his bladder and will see if he can go p*e on his own, which would be a huge milestone as their bladder is considered their third leg, if a dog can’t use his legs he can’t p*e on his own. So it has been a thanksgiving miracle, though small we will take it. They will call again later to update us. I strongly believe seeing him yesterday gave him something that medicine can’t, the human, loving bond with animals is so strong. There is a picture below in comments. Still a long road ahead though.


Afternoon update:
We got to go and see Dex. He is doing better no fever but still paralyzed in his hind legs.

The vet showed us his MRI and we could see where the infection in his spinal cord is, it spans 6-7 vertebrae, I was shocked how long the area infected is.

He has been on antibiotic and steroid but since they still don’t know what the infection is they can’t choose a drug to specifically treat it and with out doing more imaging it is hard to know if antibiotic is actually helping reduce infection in his spine.

They seem to be stumped at the vet school, he is a very rare case they have never seen before, of course he is, isn’t that always how it works. So the cost went up again.

Next step is to wait and see if he gets better with this antiobiotic, he will stay till Friday when we can see him again since they are low staffed for thanksgiving.

They are going to remove his catheter and will have to see how hard it is to manually express his bladder and then they will have to train us as he will not be able to urinate on his own anymore.

We should get another update in the morning. Thank you to those that have sent money to help offset his bills. Currently the kids have been told there will be no Christmas presents this year and Dex coming home is everyone’s gift 🙂


8:00 am update from vet:
Antiobiotic seems to be working, right now Dex doesn’t have a fever, they said it could come back and then go again but right now no fever 👏 yay, he also was interested in food finally and ate dinner well. Another win. He will have a CT scan this morning and then they will call us with findings. We will be going down to see him this afternoon and also see MRI and lesion and learning more about that. He still is paralyzed but does have feeling in his toes so that is still good. We will have to pay more money while we are down there so if you are able to help donate every little bit helps.

Poor Dex, here is update:
Dex is in ICU at Purdue, he went yesterday after being fine in the morning and then at lunch when he was let out of his crate to potty, he was wobbly and collapsed. He spent the night last night and today he had a spinal tap and MRI, they found a lesion on his spine.

He still has a fever and is still paralyzed. Vet said this is a very rare situation and they can’t figure out the infection. Tomorrow he will have a CT scan to see if they can find out more.

Dex had only been with us in the rescue 6 days when this all happened. He is a sweet boy and at 8 months old has his whole life ahead of him.

We have already maxed out his first estimate of $3,500 and are at $5,000. It looks like it is going to cost us up near $8,000-$9,000 after all is done IF they can find the cause and start treatment. If he doesn’t regain control of his legs with physical therapy he will need wheels which will be even more expense.

It is already a difficult time of year and our rescue runs on donations and we have paid all the bills our selves that last couple years because of Covid and the worlds situation. But we don’t have this kind of money so if you would like to help us we are taking donations.

We are a 501c3. You can donate through facebook, Venmo, or PayPal, I am not doing gofundme because last time they kept a portion of our donations. I will try to post continuous updates on his situation. You can also call the Purdue vet school and make a donation straight to his bill, he is under creamer dog name Dex.


Monticello, IN


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