Good morning chickens! I got the plastic over the chicken wire walls for the winter to stop with any draft but left the top gaps open for ventilation. ❤️🐓🐓🐓🐓👨🌾
Soooo I’ve got all these skills now…. 😄
Rabbits are my number one favorite homestead animal.
We socialize ours so they have a fair shot to make it as a pet or we love to help start/add to breeder programs so rabbits used to being handled are easier to sell.
Not USDA regulated so I can sell and butcher them for a customer(I can charge for processing)
We can sell/trade the pelts.
We can sell/trade dehydrated feet and ears that make great dog treats
Sell for healthy dog food
Sell for healthy reptile food
—reptile and dog owners have turned into a good backbone for dependable sales. They return regularly which gives us a predictable profit flow!
The manure can be dried and sold for the same cost the feed bags are! Or can go straight into the garden!
Easy to raise
Easy to breed
Easy and fast to butcher
Can sell to the public!
Fast gestation
I’ll add to the list as I think of them or folks bring them up. I know some of you would have some great things to add to the list!
Camoo has kind of overcome her dislike of me because of food 😀
She will even let me touch her nose through the fence when I walk back to the woods to hunt . The other one doesn’t care for people at all but she’s much you younger. I’m sure she will come around
The names they came with were Camo( Camoo) and April( was thinking of changing it to Mooana but it didn’t stick 😄)
A tree house with a three hundred foot zip line we’ve been hired to build. Now my kids want one 😄
Taking some fig cuttings to make more fig trees! I never thought I liked figs until I tasted my own fresh figs and man are they delicious ❤️👨🌾
It was one of the good t post too! 🫡😄
Alex went all the way to the top of the hill to check the traps. Once we were done she got to do a little shooting with grandpas .22 ❤️🎯
Changes in latitude
Changes in attitude😄