Took me 6 days to be able to touch this dog! She got a nice bite on my calf day one as she was skirting by me in a panic to get to her crate.
How did we get here? Patience, pushing her just enough but not so much to cause trauma, food manipulation, and chicken, lots of chicken.
The game changer was the prong collar work. She needed to see that I was not going to hurt her and that her panicking was only scaring her more. The prong gave her something to trust and understand.
I am able to speak dog with this collar. What does that mean? Dogs speak silently with body and spacial pressure and release all day long with each other. That is exactly #fusiondogtrainingco #heelersofinstagram #fearaggressivedog #hermsprengerprongcollar #ilovemyjob❤️ how the prong collar works. Kind soft pressure and release. After that, she was like "oh you see me and get me, I like that."
Needless to say, I love my job and it is never boring! In fact, it is endlessly rewarding.
The prong collar is a very misunderstood training tool. It has a very bad rap from people who just don't really understand how to use them or have never even tried them.
Remember, a tool is just a tool. It is not a magic trick. It will not teach your dog how to heel or not pull on leash.
Instead, you have to give your dog the education of what you WANT them to do, not just what you don't. We have to teach what we want so the dog can win and succeed. When we just focus on what we don't want, (pulling on leash), the dog never learns what we actually want them to do(walk nicely). When train and tols are paired together is when you start to see life changing results. Tools must be introduced and used appropriately, kindly and reward based.
Here Popcorn's reward is learning how to give to pressure, something she had ZERO concept of.
#prongcollartraining #fusiondogtrainingco #dogtrainingtoolssavelives #rewardbaseddogtraining
Dugs first off leash hike ever! This dog had ZERO desire to come when called 2 weeks ago. What freedom and fun this training has offered him.
Remember, having a good recall is NOT just about not losing your dog. It is also about the safety and respect of other people and their dogs. My dogs are never allowed to greet other dogs on the trail when off leash. I respect other people's space and know most people do not want dogs running up on them or their dogs. If you do not have the ability to keep your dog from approaching other off leash, then they should not be off leash. Safety and respect for others should always come first. #fusiondogtrainingco #boardandtraindogtraining #offleashk9training #monumentdogtraining #ecollartechnologies
Board and train drop off x 2!
Little 4 month old Scout came to us as a last chance situation. This little lady was making her family's life miserable! After her 2 week board and train she is a whole new dog. Her family is so happy and they now love spending time with her. Scout is one lucky lit #boardandtraindogtraining #fusiondogtrainingco #minibernedoodle tle lady!
The dinner bell has rung!
Happy Thanksgiving, from our holiday crew to yours!
We are beyond grateful to everyone of our amazing clients. Thank you all for choosing us to help you with your furry friends. We hope you and your pups have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Lucy and Charlie did fantastic in their 2 week board and train program!
💥It's never too late to fix those frustrating behaviors.
💥So give us a call and we will help you too!
#dogtraining #fusiondogtrainingco #coloradodogtraining #coloradodogtraininglife
Willows first day on the ecollar! Ecollars are made for communication, not just corrections. Done right, #fusiondogtrainingco #monumentdogtraining #ecollartechnologies #ecollartraining #balanceddogtraining #happydog they can be the best tool EVER!!
Meet Sky!
Just started his puppy program today. First thing we talked about is nutrition and parasites 😆. Eating poop and having dry, itchy skin says his gut needs some help.
I am so excited to work with this adorable little guy and his amazing family. ❤️