One of the reasons Australian Cattle Dogs (Heelers), are one of my absolute favorite breeds is because this dog will keep you humble, and keep you honest.
Django is staying with me for board and train, and he is halfway through his two weeks stay. These dogs are bred to take on 1500 lb bull, get kicked, and come back for more. They are strongly independent, extremely smart, and love to work.
They also really love their people and aren't always a big fan of strangers. That can pose some problems when staying with someone the dog doesn't know. Django has been a really good boy, but it's taking me most of the week to really earn his trust and for him to be truly comfortable hanging out and being his goofy self.
Heelers are not dogs that you can coerce, force, or even really bribe them to do something you want to do. It has to be their idea, and it has to be worth their time and effort. And you can't trick them because the minute you do, they will remember that, and they automatically will not trust you.
I love to put in the work with dogs like this. It's not fast or flashy. It's learning what the dogs' social currency (what they like and don't like) is and how to work that to both of our advantages.
Now, not all Heelers may be this way, but most will give you the finger if you start immediately start demanding them to do things. It doesn't mean I am permissive though. There are rules, and there are boundaries, but they are clear for the dog to know up front.
Heelers are amazing dogs. They are not for everyone, but make incredible companions. When they are not understood or not given proper instructions or boundaries, they have the capability to make your life pretty miserable. I love that challenge though!
Crate training is helpful in so many ways.
Your dog needs a safe place to be when unsupervised (especially as a puppy).
This gives them the chance to rest. A chance to calm down in a busy household.
Teaching a dog to be comfortable in their kennel or another confined space is important. Even if they do well at home, in an emergency they may need to be in a kennel at some point.
To help your dog be comfortable you can:
-Feed them daily in their Kennel.
-Practice going in and out and staying there.
-Give them treats or chews they love while in their kennels.
-Make sure the kennel is a comfy space for them!
#oklahoma #oklahomadogs #rocanimaltraining #oklahomadogtrainer
#dogtraining #mydogrocs
#dogtraining #cratetraining
#cratetraining101 #cratetrainingsuccess
We came. We saw. We Jumped. We had fun!! Chaos loves Nationals so much. The past 3 years he has always had a personal best at each jump. Always wants to jump out of his division as well 🙄. But that's okay! It is always a fun time!
#nadd #naddnationals #naddnationals2024 #dockdiving #rocanimaltraining #australianshepherd #aussiesoftiktok #aussie
Does your dog like to be in the way or grab food when cooking? Choose your level of training!
(ps it's okay to choose the easy levels!! Especially if they work!!)
#oklahomadogs #oklahomadogtraining #aussiesoftiktok #australianshepherd #rocanimaltraining #oklahoma #oklahomadogtrainer
I am a big believer in monkey see, monkey do in dogs (and people!). Vega does not like her feet being messed with, and we need to help her learn to be okay with nail trims.
Her owner has already done some work with her feet, so I am continuing that while she stays with me. On Friday's I do my own dogs nails. So for today I did them starting out in the same room as Vega and tossing treats as relaxed. Then since Chaos is my better dog with his nails, I had him come up by her crate and do a few.
Both got treated as this is not normal for him to share space while getting his nails done. And Vega got to see the process, hear the dremmel and smell it. All without it actually happening to her yet.
It's a process! But this will help Vega be more comfortable when it's time to do her nails.
*Sound warning!*
Vega went to a public playground with me and my kids yesterday to work in a new area. I was unaware it was also used for a public school. We were all surprised when about 30 kindergartens came out to play. Vega handled it like a champ. For a herding breed, loud noises and fast moving things can overwhelm them quickly.
Teaching a dog in those situations what to do and learning to focus back on you is a great way to prevent excitement and reactivity.
We moved back about 20 feet and watched for about 10 minutes, then went to a quieter part of the park. No need to completely flood and overwhelm her!
SUP Dog Lessons are my favorite part of Summer. If you are local to OKC, book you and your dog a lesson.
Paddle boards, life Jackets and supplies are provided.
#adventuredog #rocanimaltraining #rocadventuredog #oklahomadogtraining #oklahomadogtrainer #mydogrocs #oklahoma #supwithyourdog #paddleboarding #heeler #australiancattledog #acd #sup
Good morning to explore with Adventure Club! Lots of pretty wildflowers. The dogs did great!
#oklahoma #mydogrocs #oklahomadogtrainer #oklahomadogtraining #rocadventuredog #rocanimaltraining #adventuredog
I love this time of year! Want to learn how to safely paddleboard or Kayak with your dog? I can help!
Everything is included in lessons, I even provided the boards and kayak.
#redneckmal #dirtylittlefreaks #cattledog #heeler #australiancattledog #adventuredog #acd #rocanimaltraining #rocadventuredog #oklahomadogtraining #oklahomadogtrainer #mydogrocs #sup #paddleboarding #supwithyourdog #kayak #oklahoma