Abbie's Pet-Sitting

Abbie's Pet-Sitting My goal: A worry-free vacation for you, and a stress-free stay for your fur babies!

PSA for anyone with a small business page like myself. I was tagged in a post today (see screenshot below) where this pa...

PSA for anyone with a small business page like myself. I was tagged in a post today (see screenshot below) where this page/group/community claimed that I had posted something to their page which violated their community guidelines. The problem being.... 1) I've never even heard of their page, 2) I was able to comment on the post so obviously my account was not "blocked" as they claimed, and 3) when I went to their main page/profile, every single post was exactly the same just different people/pages/groups being tagged in each one. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

If you or someone you know gets tagged in something like this, PLEASE DO NOT click any links or give out personal info. I know several people, especially elderly friends of mine, who would easily fall for this scam. Let them know they should simply report both the comment and the page/group as "scam or fraud," and then block the page/group so they can't tag you or contact you again.

Reminder ... it's perfectly fine to have fun this holiday week and weekend, but please be mindful of the pets around you...

Reminder ... it's perfectly fine to have fun this holiday week and weekend, but please be mindful of the pets around you.

Have a safe and happy 4th of July, everyone!! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έβ€οΈ


I just discovered two spam posts in my feedback. Sorry about that. Both have been reported and blocked by me. Please do not click on any links or contact the people in question.


Hi all, I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've actually been quite busy with my online work, among other things. Anyways, I have decided to open my calendar for summer again. But please keep in mind that I will be away a good chunk of the day Sundays and Mondays (possibly an occasional Tuesday as well), and because of my online work, I will need decent wifi in order to get my work done during the week. Also, I prefer having a garage at my disposal to protect my car from nasty weather, as it's my only mode of transportation. If you have questions, feel free to reach out. Thanks for the support and sharing my name around, it means a lot.


Hi again, I wanted to follow up with an update from my previous post...

I forgot to mention that I most likely will not be available the week between Christmas and New Years. My church hosts a New Years Eve Luncheon every year for seniors, and as of last year, I am the person responsible for taking reservations. Since a lot of people wait til the last minute, that week prior to New Years is crazy lol. I'm on my phone and computer all day long that whole week. Very tiring and stressful for me, so I like to be able to focus on that. Sorry for the people who have reached out to me in the past few days. I should have mentioned that in my previous post.


Hi all, sorry it's been a while since my last update. I have been very busy. I started somewhat of a part-time online job, on top of the part-time work I was already doing Mondays. For now, I am available most of November and December if anyone needs pet-sitting. (But fyi, I am already booked the entire 2nd half of January.) Just please keep in mind that I am gone basically the first half of the day on both Sundays and Mondays. Now that cold weather is here, I would very much appreciate a garage to park my car in, as it's my only transportation for both work and personal.

Also, I wanted to note: I have been contacted several times over the years about pet-sitting long term (such as for the entire winter when someone goes south). I did not have an official plan or response to those inquiries up to this point, but the more I think about it, I would rather not do long stays. One reason being, it would prevent me from taking on other jobs in the meantime. So I'm going to set my limit to 2-3 weeks per stay max.

As always, feel free to reach out with questions. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season! 😊


Hello again. Since I've had a few people already reaching out to me about summer, I wanted to give a reminder that Mondays are a bit weird for me right now. I work two very part-time jobs, but they both happen to fall on Monday. One is a once/week thing but the other requires a full 8 hours. So if I don't manage to finish the one job on Monday, I have to go back again Tuesday to make up whatever hours are left. Please keep this in mind when looking to schedule with me, as I can't guarantee my availability from about 8am to 8pm on Mondays, and sometimes that extends to about 8am to 6pm on Tuesdays depending on how many hours I have left to work. And for anyone who doesn't already know, I am also very active in my church and therefore am gone anywhere from 8am to 2pm on Sundays as well, depending on if I am required to work on the media team that week or not.

As always, if you ever have questions, just reach out to me and we can chat.


Hi all, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have a couple (very) part-time jobs now. I don't think it will affect my availability too much at least at the moment. So with warmer weather finally on the way, I decided to go ahead and open up my calendar for summer reservations. If you know you're going on vacation this summer, feel free to reach out to me and we'll chat.

EDIT: I should give a heads up that I am out of town most of the day on Mondays right now. The two jobs that I found just so happened to both be required on Mondays, so I'm usually gone between 8-12 hours that day, part of which is commuting time as well as any errand running I may need to do (such as a Walmart stop).

I am so thankful for all of you! 😊 I hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend!

I am so thankful for all of you! 😊 I hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend!


Facebook just notified me that I have reached 125 followers! πŸ₯³ So I wanted to take this opportunity to say a big THANK YOU to all of my loyal clients and friends. I wouldn't be able to do this without you. πŸ₯°

This is just a quick PSA to remember to always check under your hood before starting your car if you park it outside!!

This is just a quick PSA to remember to always check under your hood before starting your car if you park it outside!!


Hey guys, so first of all, my Messenger is back up and working again. I don't know why I couldn't get into it, but it seems to have fixed itself.

Secondly, I just received word that my teaching job fell through this year. Long story, but they decided to go back to a traditional co-op where the parents teach their own kids. So I find myself suddenly and unexpectedly unemployed again.

All that being said, at least for the present I will be extending my availability for pet-sitting. I have no idea what the future holds as far as if/when I will find a more permanent job, so I probably shouldn't schedule out too far in advance. I'm really sorry for all the unknowns, but I'm in uncharted territory right now. I hope you understand.

For the time being, please feel free to drop my name to your friends. I do have business cards if anyone is interested, so just let me know. Thanks, and I hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!!


Hi all, for some reason I'm not able to access my messages for this page since last night. So I apologize if anyone has messaged me and I didn't respond. I'll look into it and see what I can figure out. Hopefully this is temporary.


Hi all, I wanted to give an update on my availability. For now, I'm only going to be able to offer my services thru the end of August. I already have most weekends booked.

I will be busy the first week and weekend of August with a fundraiser we're doing for the school I teach at. (We're running a milkshake stand at the Pine County fair if anyone feels like stopping by. πŸ˜‰) I don't know exactly when they'll need my help, so I'm probably going to have to take it on a day-by-day basis.

But I am still free the weekend of the 27th if anyone is wondering.

As for Labor Day weekend, for now I'm going to say I won't be available. I'm not quite sure how the teaching thing is going to look this coming year, but I have a feeling I may need that weekend for prep.

Hopefully this answers some questions. I have really enjoyed pet-sitting again this summer! Thanks to all of you who continue to think of me or send referrals my way. If my schedule changes to where I can do some pet-sitting during the school year, I will definitely let you guys know. 😊


Happy 4th of July, everyone!! πŸ˜πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ₯³

I don't think I've posted about this in the past, but consider this a friendly reminder...

Many pets find loud noises very scary, and that includes fireworks. For example, I'm currently at a house letting dogs out (not staying overnight) and a neighbor shot off fireworks that exploded directly over my head while we were outside! It scared me, it scared the dogs, and all 3 of us bolted into the house, and we are all now sitting here catching our breath, shaking and scared. PLEASE be respectful of your neighbors and their pets. I'm all about having fun, but explosions in residential areas is not safe. (P.S. Aren't airborne fireworks illegal in MN? πŸ€”)

This is not my usual post... but since I also happen to be a movie buff, I decided to give this a special shout-out.I ju...

This is not my usual post... but since I also happen to be a movie buff, I decided to give this a special shout-out.

I just watched this miniseries on Netflix a couple nights ago, and I found it absolutely hysterical. πŸ˜† Maybe it's because I love Rowan Atkinson (aka Mr. Bean) or maybe it's because this is set in a house/pet sitting scenario very similar to what I do. But if you need a good laugh, do yourself the favor of watching this.

PSA: And in case anyone is wondering, I promise I do not make stupid decisions like this guy while I'm staying in your home. 🀣


Hi again, a couple things I wanted to say ...

1, If you have used my services in the past, would you mind taking a few mins to leave a review? I hope it will help any new potential clients have an idea of who I am and what I do.

2, I don't know if any of you knew my mom (or knew her well), but if anyone is interested, we have officially set a date for her Celebration of Life service. All are welcome to attend, so if you feel like coming, please do. It will be Saturday, July 16th at Open Arms Church in Grasston. My dad and I will be meeting with the pastor next Sunday to finalize details, but for now it looks like it will most likely be 10-11 visiting time, then 11-12 service with a meal afterwards. Please comment here or message me if you'd like to be notified should the times change.

All that being said, I simply want to thank all of you who stuck around during the past year. It has been really hard adjusting to life without my mom around, and I'm so very grateful that there are people still wanting my services so I have pet-sitting to fall back on. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. πŸ’–


Hi all, I'm sorry I haven't posted recently. I have found myself very busy (and taxes are only one reason πŸ˜‘ lol). I don't remember if I posted this earlier or not, but I wanted to let everyone know that I was offered *almost* full-time work as a teacher. That started the first week of January. So as of right now, I will be available summers only for pet-sitting. My known availability at this point in time will be the 2nd week of June through the 3rd week of August. (I need to give myself some time for R&R as well as prep work.)

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. I hope you all are having a wonderful winter. Just keep reminding yourself, spring is on the way!! 😊


Hi all, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and you're looking forward to a lovely New Year. (I sure hope mine is better than this past year!) I wanted to give an update now that I finally have one ... work has found its way to me, so starting right away in January, I will now be working 4 days a week. Which means my availability for pet-sitting will be limited to weekends only during the school year. If overnights are needed, I will only have Friday night and Saturday night available. Most likely, I will want to stay close to Mora, as now I will have errands to run and people to see during my free time, so I would prefer not having to drive back and forth long distances. I will consider pet-sitting jobs on a case-by-case basis from September thru May. But come summer time, I should be available again. Hopefully by the time end of the school year rolls around, I will have a better idea as to my availability for the summer. (I may look for part-time work if my pet-sitting schedule doesn't look too full.)

I want to say thank you to everyone who has been supportive and understanding during this difficult time for me. It has been a long and hard road, and the transition back into (almost) full-time work will take some getting used to. But I would very much like to try keep my pet-sitting going if possible, so we'll see how this turns out. Please feel free to reach out with questions.



What I have decided is that through the end of the year, I will not be doing any pet-sitting. I will be contacting everyone who's currently on my schedule to cancel. I'm so sorry about this.

By the start of the new year, I hope to have more info regarding my other work to be able to re-evaluate the pet-sitting situation. I will do my best to keep you all updated.

Thank you so much to the people who have reached out. It is most definitely a difficult time and I find myself struggling just to get through the day sometimes. If you or someone you know is a prayer warrior, please send along my request. My dad and I could really use it. I hope you all are doing well, and I wish you all the best holiday season!! Enjoy the time with your loved ones-- it is to be treasured and not taken for granted.


Hi, a quick update: To make a long and complicated story as short as possible, it's looking like I'm going to need surgery very soon. I'll be meeting with the dr. who's going to perform it next week, so hopefully I'll get some idea of scheduling after that. All I can for now is, I will definitely need to take it easy in the coming weeks, which means I probably won't be able to fulfill most of my September jobs either. πŸ˜– I'm so sorry guys. I feel terrible for letting people down.

Just so everyone is aware, I absolutely love being a pet-sitter. In a way, it's almost a dream job for me. I have always adored animals, plus this allows me to get paid for taking care of them. πŸ˜‰ All that to say... if there is any way I can continue pet-sitting, I certainly would love to do so. Unfortunately my long-term future is still rather up in the air, but as I said before, I will do my best to keep you all informed.


Hi all, I wanted to give an update. For anyone who hasn't already heard, my mom passed away a few days ago. Until my dad and I can get her affairs in order, I will not be able to do any pet-sitting. And at this point I'm not entirely certain what the future will hold. I may end up needing to find regular work, in which case my availability for pet-sitting would be greatly reduced if not completely done. I'm so sorry for the uncertainty, but I will do my best to keep you all updated. If anyone is wanting to help out, prayers would be greatly appreciated.


Hi everyone, I have a family emergency happening right now and it's looking like it will drag on for a while. I have contacted everyone who was on my schedule in the near future as it looks like I won't be able to help. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Hello everyone, I am dealing with some health issues right now (pneumonia, food poisoning, anemia) and I am currently in the er getting treated. It's already been 2-3 weeks of dealing with this and I've had to cancel all my pet-sitting for the month of July. I apologize, but until I fully recover from this, I may have to cancel more. I will keep everyone posted who is currently on my schedule. I'm sorry everyone.


Hi all, I've had several people over the past few days ask specifocally about 4th of July weekend, so I'm posting this just in case anyone else who follows my page is also wondering. That is typically one of the first time slots of my summer that gets booked. (This year, I believe it was scheduled back in like April, and last year it was scheduled all the way like the previous December!) While I have in the past done an overnight stay and a daily check-in overlapped on the same week, I will not take two overnight jobs overlapping. This is both to reassure you that when you schedule an overnight stay with me, I will be giving your pets my full attention, and to caution/explain why it's so important not to wait until the last minute to schedule with me. Thanks for taking the time to read through this post, and I hope you're all having a wonderful summer!


Mora, MN





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