We are all ruled by 100 forms of fear in our lives, yet it is very hard to see it in ourselves. Fear manifests itself in ego, selfishness, dishonesty, anger, jealousy, contempt and anxiety to name a few behaviors.
The only way to get to the light is by removing these forms of fear out of our lives so we can get out of our own way. We are finite beings and we all need an infinite power which only comes from God. We must or it kills us.
If we only did the very basics which are all contained in the Lord’s Prayer what a different world we could live in. So simple, yet so very difficult for the ego.
“Forgive us our trespasses, AS WE FORGIVE those whose trespass against us.” We will be forgiven by the same measure as we forgive others. Releasing that anger and hate against our neighbor is the key.