Ok, not Buddy in video, but he’s talking. He’s gotta baby step into this Facebook thing, evidently. 😀
2nd video (in comments) is just to show (and it’s kind of funny, if you hear what I’m saying first) even while everything’s moving slowly and calmly it can change in an instant, be ready.
Apparently, today is ‘National Trivia Day’, SOoo,
What’s the term called for a horses ability to move its ears independently?
ALSO, how good does this new lot of K4
colts look?
Wait for it…. Buddy talks to the camera. 2025 goals: To get more video/voice content, capturing the wonderful horseman that is Buddy Uldrikson.
#buddyuldriksonhorsemanship #halterbreaking #solidfoundation #goodtrainingsticks
Just filmed from today’s
Setting the Foundation demo. Buddy working with Dakota.
*Sound on while you watch for full context. Video was posted not so much for what Buddy’s doing here, but what he says towards the end.
Not 5 mins. before this video, this horse was pulling ALL the avoidance tactics. Settin’ back, backing up and rearing ( sorry, hands too busy for video of before). BUT here’s the after! Give Buddy a call, if you want your horse to load as calmly as this.
Little ride out to knock some fresh off a couple of our horses and take Scarlett (2) out for her first ‘outside’ ride.
1) Scarlet being ponied out. 2) Buddy riding her back past a set of familiar corrals in a halter.
3) just moving off the road because we’ve had big trucks coming through and dumping dirt the last few days, so she had to deal with them going past too. 4) turning circles around Jameson, who actually didn’t make it easy for her, because he’d often rush and step in front of her.
All of Buddy’s colts that are started (doesn’t matter what discipline they will be ridden later) are exposed to being ridden outside just about as soon as they come out of a round pen. This helps to get them use to all sorts of situations and not just the ‘controlled’ environment of an arena.
**read full post before passing judgement, after watching full video**
Ahhh Katie the ‘unhandled’ mustang. She’d been with at least one trainer before coming to Buddy. Moving her from pen to pen, was to open and shut gates and run her into the next pen. Owners didn’t want that for the long term of Katie’s life. At the very least, they want Katie to get comfortable with being handled so that at the very least she can be cared for properly (vet/dentals/farriers).
Katie has been very untrusting, and at the same time curious and seemed to have a desire to be friendly. Not once has she shown any aggression/fight. Katie is finally in a halter, lets Buddy touch her, and comes off the pressure of the lead rope.
There is still a long way to go, before she is comfortable and confident with being handled. But Buddy wanted to show a little video of where he’s at now, and then some progression videos.