ATTENTION PLEASE: Since people are spreading very false information about our shelter on local pages we wanted to take the opportunity to set the record straight. First of all, we would NEVER take a dog and dump it somewhere. That is absolutely false and absurd. We had two different people try to bring a dog yesterday from Priceless Foods. We had ZERO kennels. The second person said they would be willing to check houses in the surrounding area for an owner and that is how it was left. As for the negative comments. Please understand that we are not the bad guy. We are DROWNING in dogs. The only reason we were able to take in any dogs today was because of an adoption, a foster and being able to put a smaller dog in our BATHROOM. The dog from yesterday was too big to go in an office or in a bathroom without putting our office cats at risk if he were to escape. Almost all of our adult dogs are sponsored. We have been BEGGING for adopters and fosters. Once a kennel is opened up it gets IMMEDIATELY filled. Our community needs to take responsibility for their dogs and cats and getting them spayed and neutered. Please do your part and be part of the solution instead of trying to criticize our shelter who works tirelessly to save as many lives as they possibly can.