Please reach out for help if your dog is Resource Guarding. The "old school" concepts of "showing them who's the boss" can be counter-productive and dangerous.
Resource guarding is a dog's instinct to protect valuable items like food, toys, or space, often leading to aggressive behaviors such as barking, biting, growling, and lunging. 🐾
Signs to watch for:
Stiffening over an item
Hard stare
"Whale eye" (whites of their eyes showing)
Lip lifting
Low growl
Baring teeth
Resource guarding can be caused by fear, anxiety, frustration, territoriality, or early experiences with valuable items and other dogs.
How to manage it:
Provide enough high-quality food, toys, and a comfy space.
Use positive reinforcement—teach your dog to trade items for treats.
Be patient and consistent with training.
With the right approach, your dog can learn to feel safe and secure around their resources! 🐶For all things behavior modification Eleventh Hour relies on the expertise of The Well Behaved Dog by Paul Barish, Cbcc-Ka https://buff.ly/40P6EyR