OK here is my more exteneded list of items being sold ..THERE IS MORE THEN LISTED HERE but I hope this will help for those wanting to know what to expect .
HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: 1 queen size and 2 full beds , dressers, computor desk, loveseat, floral print oversize chair, numerous kitchen and dining room chairs, recliner rockers, Kitchen tables, coffee and end tables, phone desk, 3 regular TV's and other electronics, electric range, 3 refrigerators, washer and dryers, bar, several old freezers [non-working ..used for feed storage]numerous little tables and plant stands , numerous wall decoration type items ..mostly country type style, kitchen items...cookware, utensils ..ect, along with all other household type items. MANY Christmas items including outdoor lights and several 4 ft artificial wreaths , lawn décor items,
ANTIQUES: wood cook stoves ..still useable , I don't have much in glasswear, but some older country type items ..milk cans, old hand pump, bucksaw, and mostly older type items used mostly wall décor .
MISC: wood burners, corner fireplace unit, along with sevral boxes of pre-cut fieldstone rock for firewall or for surrounding fireplace, several riding and push mowers ..some working and some need some repair or for parts , wheel barrels, garden equipment,... rakes, shovels, hoes , garden hose, 2 large tool chests on wheels , misc tools and power equipment, hand saws , set of car ramps, battery chargers, jumper cables, ..IM Competetor workout machine, Foosball table, large steel wheel trailer made into what we used as a banquet table ..approx. 14 ft long ,
LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT: 3 incubators ..older cabinet style..1 sportsman, 1 LARGE homemade cabinet style ..several hundered egg capacity [needs work] 1 antique electric cabinet style ..sportsman and older antique one work and I have been using , NUMEROUS cages and kennel cab carriers, wall hay racks, free standing hay racks/feeders, numerous poultry feeders / waterers, nests, Fencing ..including wood and wire panels, several metal gates ..4 - 14 ft lengths, numerous rolls and wire fencing, pails, poultry netting, Ritchie automatic waterers [100/150 livestock series], picnic tables and outside benches, 9 X 9 utility shed, utility 2 wheel lawn trailer ..pull type
VEHICELS / TRAILERS: '96 Olds Cutlass Supreme SL , 154 thousand miles, tires /engine good , runs BUT needs brakes and passenger rear wheel rusted thru at frame..drivable, but not recommended little rust, [ should probably go more for parts] , 16 ft cattle trailer..good floor but rusty and back door broke .though middle gate good and I use a regular tube gate for back door, 4 X 6 homemade enclosed older trailer,
PLANTS / HAY: Approx 100 bales of 1st crop grass hay, NUMEROUS potted perennial plants ..hostas, iris, flox, ferns, snow on mountain, poppies, coneflower, asiatic and day lilies, and more
LIVESTOCK: 2 yr old Yak heifer, 1 breeder Longhorn Bull [very impressive horns..was registered but still looking for paperwork , 2 cows..1 with month old bull calf at side , 1 due yet this fall possibly by sale time, 1 1st calf heifer with 3 mionth old heifer calf , several Nigerian Dwarf Goats ..breeder Billies, Nannies ..mostly bred or with kids at side, Fainting Goats..1 adult Billy .1 -6 month old nanny, 1 nanny with kids at side, potbelly pigs, Regular pigs ..1 sow with piglets at side, 1 yong [possibly bred] guilt, 1 LARGE Breeder Boar approx. 750 lbs..half Russian half Hampshire, Llamas..geldings, males, & females, Possibly some alpacas [th were sold but if they do not pick up by sale they were informed they would be sold at the auction,
MANY BREEDS of Poultry, waterfowl, pheasants, and pigeons..please see previous posted list of breeds .. as going through and preparing for the auction I am finding more that I have forgot to list so there will be more . Hope this helps.. like I said before ..previewing day of sale starting at 8:00am ... NO EARLY SALES . Hope to see you here OCT 12 ..auction starts at 10:00am