Why HORSES for Human Therapy and Personal Development?
Horses are prey animals. They survive by being excellent at reading the smallest non-verbal communication of each other and potential predators.
They read our body language on a subtle level. Think not just body language but electromagnetic fields, pulse, heart beat and secretions of hormones etc.
Horses are constantly checking whether they need to run away from danger or if cornered, fight the danger.
They do this by automatically always checking for any incongruences in people’s body language. If a predator is at rest rather than actively hunting, their flight response lessens. Often horses will not choose to cooperate if someone’s emotions and body language is incongruent. When someone is congruent with their true emotions, the horses begin to become interested. As horses are highly congruent in their behaviours they have no social constructs like we do, of ‘proper’ behavior to encourage them to mask their emotions and behaviors.
Horse’s respond to what your body is really saying, not what your voice or simple body language is suggesting. Instead, horses will seem to react to the human’s incongruence exactly in the moment.
The brain of the horse has a much larger limbic system.
One of the limbic system’s function is to process and regulate emotion. By having a larger brain area, they are naturally better than we are in this and from them we can learn how to alter our neural networks to be able to be better at processing and regulating emotions.
The brain of the horse has a much smaller neocortical area.
One of the main functions of the neocortical brain is perception. We have a very large neocortical brain and see the world through a perception lens. Meaning that our experience of the world has many layers affected by past narratives and stories. We have evolved to have a larger front of our brain, which enables us to complete complicated tasks, and yet with this comes complexity of how we view the world. Horse’s instead operate from older parts of the brain, which respond to the here and now. Their lives revolve around the present, which in turn allows for greater congruency. We can learn how to do this better from them by creating stronger neural networks in the older parts of the brain, allowing for more balance between complex thinking and congruently living in the here and now.
Horses have more mirror neurons than other animals.
Mirror neurons at the simplest level, enable us to connect with others and is why we often yawn when others do. At the most complex level, they help us understand the mental states of others. Horses connect to others in a way that we perhaps cannot yet actually comprehend, as our brains do not have that level of mirror neuron capacity. However, we can begin to imagine, and strengthen our own neural networks to learn to resonate with others better, as well as have more empathy for others and ourselves.
Horses have a much larger electromagnetic field (heart) and gut system than us.
By having a larger heart and gut system than humans and most other animal assisted therapy animals, they have a larger and more powerful area to collecting intel from others. This helps them to connect the herd together and sense the intentions of a predator. When in the layer of connection with each other, horses can sense each others heartbeat, pulse and hormone secretion. They help to regulate each other by matching each others slower heartbeat when no danger is nearby. We can experiance this heartbeat synchronicity also in their presence, helping us to experience their regulation loop.
As horses are more in tune with their complex and sensitive systems than humans, they provide an instant biofeedback system from the networks. This is often referred to as the horses mirroring emotions and feelings.
Instant biofeedback refers to how horses immediately alter themselves to the environment. We are able to tap into their biofeedback and get immediate information on how congruent we are at that moment. Horse’s know when we are being incongruent with ourselves, so we can ask the horses whether we can use their feedback as a safe place to explore our emotions, our experience of the world, our trauma.